Sounds Fake But Okay

Ep 280: Romanticizing

November 05, 2023 Sounds Fake But Okay
Sounds Fake But Okay
Ep 280: Romanticizing
Show Notes Transcript

Hey what's up hello! This week we're talking about romanticization - why we do it, the pros and cons of romanticizing relationships, and what we should romanticize other than romance. You know it's about to get silly.

Episode Transcript:   


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SARAH: Hey, what's up? Hello. Welcome to Sounds Fake But Okay, a podcast where an aroace girl, I'm Sarah, that's me 

KAYLA: And a bi-demisexual girl, that's me Kayla 

SARAH: Talk about all things to do with love, relationships, sexuality, and pretty much anything else we just don't understand 

KAYLA: On today's episode, Romanticizing 

BOTH: Sounds Fake But Okay 

[Intro Music]

SARAH: Welcome back to the pod 



KAYLA: My favorite part of the podcast is when after we do the intro and then we sit and have like a little one-minute conversation about something else before… 

SARAH: Well, because you used to m’lady, but… 

KAYLA: Yeah 

SARAH: Once we got rid of that horrid tradition 


SARAH: It's just a void that we need to fill. 

KAYLA: Yeah 

SARAH: Housekeeping? 

KAYLA: Um, do we have any? 

SARAH: I did… I did some pickups today for our super-secret thing 

KAYLA: Yeah, definitely a secret. No one guessed it immediately. Oh

SARAH: Nobody guessed it and my mouth was a little too wet. 

KAYLA: Yeah. Expected 

SARAH: But I only had one sentence in the credits. So, listen 

KAYLA: Should we just say it? 

SARAH: No, we’re waiting until we have an actual confirmed… 

KAYLA: Date? 

SARAH: Date 

KAYLA: I guess because we can't trust the date that's out there because I don't actually know if it's true and the person we could ask is on vacation 

SARAH: Always is 

KAYLA: Like a classic British person. They're literally… they're literally always on vacation and like I love that for them but when do you get anything done 

SARAH: When I didn't have the phone number of the person I needed the phone number of today I was like, I'm so glad that these two people who are based in LA are going through someone in the UK. Game of telephone. 

KAYLA: It's the whole thing it is so silly. 

SARAH: I was like… 

KAYLA: It is so silly 

SARAH: I was like, oh god, is he even still at work? And then I got the bounce back that he was actually out of office. 

KAYLA: Yeah, we deal with like… We deal with so many… a shocking amount of like British people because of this podcast that like I… Like I have the like one of my widgets on my home screen is like international clocks and I have here, LA and London because those are what… it's not even for my fucking day job. It's for this that I'm like I have to… 

SARAH: Just for your night job 

KAYLA: It’s for my night job. I have to know the international times 

SARAH: Amazing. All right. Well, um Kayla what are we talking about this week this week? 

KAYLA: Well, last week I asked for episodes idea suggestion on Instagram and we proceeded to use none of those ideas, but this week…

SARAH: Slay 

KAYLA: We will be using one of those ideas. 

SARAH: Mm-hmm 

KAYLA: I guess I don't want to say the person's name that suggested it because I don't know if they would want that 

SARAH: Right. I guess the suggestions aren't public. 

KAYLA: They're not and I don't want to like blow up anybody's spot but something… To whoever did it. I love you. I also love how many people were just like am I the asshole now do it? I need it, do a reddit episode. Like I'm glad that you guys enjoy it as much as we do 

SARAH: I have so many… I have multiple episodes worth saved in my phone. 

KAYLA: Yeah, so don't worry. We just feel like we need to spread them out. So we're not… 

SARAH: Maybe… Maybe not next week, but the following week we can do 

KAYLA: Perhaps, as a treat 

SARAH: As a Thanksgiving treat 

KAYLA: True. You can all be thankful for us but anyway, oh I found the person… but now I feel like because I saw their username, they would probably be okay being blown up. 

SARAH: Who is it? 

KAYLA: The username is One anxious ace, one.anxious.ace. I feel like they're probably out, you know 

SARAH: Yeah, I would guess 

KAYLA: I would guess that they're probably… 

SARAH: At least online, which is where we are right now 

KAYLA: Right. So, I like I feel okay saying it. I feel like I'm not… 

SARAH: Can we just get to it? 

KAYLA: It's the one anxious ace. Their idea was things to romanticize instead of romance. 

SARAH: Mm-hmm 

KAYLA: Which yes, but also it's what we're going to do. But then I was like, oh, maybe we should like before we just like do our classic listing of silly things we should like talk about romanticizing a bit, you know to like be serious for a second 

SARAH: Well, I wrote in my voluptuous notes… 

KAYLA: Voluptuous 

SARAH: That we should love to define it 

KAYLA: Right. I do think we should do that. So, let's do that really quick 

SARAH: So according to the Lord's Google, yes has gotten it from 

KAYLA: Oxford languages

SARAH: Yes. To romanticize is to deal with or describe in an idealized or unrealistic fashion. To make something seem better or more appealing than it really is. The example is the tendency to romanticize non-industrial society. 

KAYLA: Jesus heavy hitting example there 

SARAH: So, it's actually nothing to do with romance 

KAYLA: No, right like I was… When I was looking at my first Google like why do we romanticize things? Because I was just trying to cast a wide net and I also like doing the why questions because that's when like the Psychology articles pop up and we get some really silly shit going on. 

SARAH: Mm-hmm 

KAYLA: But what I ended up finding it's two different things. One was people's concern and asking for help about how to stop romanticizing relationships, particularly relationships that weren't fully formed yet. They're like I just met this person and I've only known them for a day but like I've already planned our entire life together

SARAH: Right. I have… I was just looking at other definitions Merriam Webster says to treat as idealized or heroic but they also have a… so that's the transitive verb form where you have to have it, I had to look up with transitive… 

KAYLA: I love this grammar… 

SARAH: It doesn't have… it doesn't have a direct… Transitive has a direct object. 


SARAH: But there's an in transitive verb which is to hold romantic ideas or to present details, incidents, or people in a romantic way. Am I a little confused about how that doesn't have a direct object? Yes 

KAYLA: Yeah, that doesn't… I feel like that means the exact same thing 

SARAH: But it means it in a romance way rather than an idealized way. 

KAYLA: Romance way 

SARAH: So, like there's two different versions… 

KAYLA: I guess I still I feel like there's an object. 

SARAH: Yeah, there's… I do too. 

KAYLA: Okay 

SARAH: I also… look for someone who is like a writer who's like as strict about grammar not being dumb as I am you would think I would know these things 

KAYLA: No, but you missed that day in school 

SARAH: I didn't know what a noun was until I started learning German. 

KAYLA: I know. I know 

SARAH: Capital N noun because… 

KAYLA: Yeah 

SARAH: Nouns in German are capitalized

KAYLA: Did you… like you missed that day in school, right? Like… 

SARAH: I have no idea

KAYLA: Wasn’t that the problem? 

SARAH: I don't… sure, maybe, why was it only one day? 

KAYLA: I know people that that happened to that they like missed a day or two in school and they like missed the days where you like learned what a noun and a verb, that happened to people 

SARAH: It could be that I learned and just forgot 

KAYLA: That's what I did with sex ed, so 

SARAH: Great. 

KAYLA: Well, so anyway, that was the one part of romanticizing that I found online. The other half was the like romanticizing your life movement which according to the New York Times gained popularity during the pandemic. Which I suppose makes sense or just like when people are like, I'm romanticizing my Diet Coke and so they like pour it in a fancy glass and like put a little wine in it

SARAH: Girl, damn it. offers as a synonym sentimentalize which I think is a very good like it's… 


SARAH:  It's rose-colored glassesing 

KAYLA: Yes, that was the other… that was the third thing I forgot was that people talking about like how do I stop romanticizing the past? It was another like big thing 

SARAH: Because you only remember the good stuff rose-colored glasses blah blah blah blah and then you're like, oh it was so much better than it was when like in reality the past was also bad 


SARAH: Everything is bad 

KAYLA: Who'd have thought? I do think like romanticizing romance though, like people really just do that… 

SARAH: Oh, that's not their… That's clearly like the basis of the word even if in a romantic way is not the way we most often use it these days

KAYLA: Right. I think just like especially because of the way like movies and TV and books and stuff portray romance it makes it seem a lot like better and easier than it is like I was reading through some old transcripts the other day like the ones we were when we were talking about The Bachelor like the TV show and you were talking about how because of The Bachelor there were so many difficult conversations that couples have that you didn't realize were happening 


KAYLA: Because they don't… 

SARAH: They just didn't consider

KAYLA: Right because… and well they don't show that in movies and TV like the movie always ends when the couple gets together and then you never have to sit there with them figuring out the logistics of like where they're going to live and…

SARAH: Right 

KAYLA: Whose house they're going to for Christmas…

SARAH: Right and even like the arguing about fundamental stuff

KAYLA: Right 

SARAH: You do… you get that in fanfiction, but you know what you don't get in fanfiction? the fucking like… what was the first example you gave? Ever… I forgot already but it was like… 

KAYLA: Just serious conversations? Where we going to live? 

SARAH: Yeah, like in concert like not that obviously is consequential but like the stuff that like doesn't make for a good dramatic arc. 


SARAH: Just disagree. 

KAYLA: Yeah, which makes it a lot… and then yeah, and people like romanticize it, they think romance is all like fun giggle time all the time when it's like actually 


SARAH: Actually, stop giggling right now 

KAYLA: Actually, sometimes it's not very giggle, you know

SARAH: Sometimes you got to just giggle. Alright, so that's… so that's what… that is what romanticization is at its core. 


SARAH: And so, when people talk about romanticizing stuff as we mentioned like you can romanticize romantic relationships, but it's a little redundant and I feel like the romanticization of romantic relationships is already baked in 


SARAH: In that people like they're like, oh like I just need a romantic partner and like it everything will be better or like I can't wait until I have a romantic partner because blah blah, but instead of doing… Applying to that bullshit. We're going to talk about other things that you can romanticize that you wouldn't traditionally think about 


SARAH: So, I wrote some things down. 

KAYLA: I didn’t 

SARAH: I assumed you didn't 

KAYLA: Yeah. Here we are. 

SARAH: All right, my first one, I will begin romanticize your platonic relationships. They're important too and the romanticization of romantic relationships is basically about like being like oh this is really important so make your platonic relationships important 

KAYLA: Wasn't it in Loveless the novel that one of the friends does like a huge gesture that like is like a romance one … 

SARAH: A big platonic, a platonic gesture. Yeah. 

KAYLA: Yeah, it's like something with like a boat and a sign or… 

SARAH: Yeah, there's a boat involved 

KAYLA: Yeah, like it feels like something that would happen in a rom-com, but it was between two friends like that's what… yeah, big platonic gestures, romance

SARAH: What else should we be romanticizing? 

KAYLA: Sorry. I was so swept up in your example and talking about your example that I forgot to think 

SARAH: You were listening to me? How dare you? 

KAYLA: I know. I forgot that I should… 

SARAH: The point of this type of episode is to not listen to each other at all and just be thinking

KAYLA: I know. I know

SARAH: Do you want me to do my next one? 

KAYLA: Yeah, I need more examples. 

SARAH: I think we should romanticize smelly markers. Like, you know those like scented markers from when you were… 

KAYLA: I feel like those are already definitely romanticized personally 

SARAH: I think we need to romanticize them not just looking at them in the past, we need to romanticize them in the present day. 

KAYLA: Okay, so bring them back you mean? 



SARAH: And we need to like carry them around in our backpacks in our pockets 


SARAH: And love them and cherish them. I also think we should romanticize sniffing sharpies. That was not on my list 

KAYLA: Okay, but you have to be careful because one time I was doing a school project where I was like making a big like poster art thing 


KAYLA: And I was… it was all in sharpie and so I was using a jumbo sharpie and I was like real up close to it because doing the art or whatever and I did not feel good. 

SARAH: I… sniffing sharpies within reason in moderation 

KAYLA: Carefully. Yeah. I think we should romanticize picking up garbage because… 

SARAH: So true 

KAYLA: Because it's like… it is gross but I think it could become like a manic pixie dream girl situation where you're like, oh my god she's so cool. Like walking around just like holding this like disgusting garbage she found on the street 

SARAH: Yeah 

KAYLA: She cares about the earth 

SARAH: She cares about the environment. 

KAYLA: Yeah 

SARAH: She cares about waste management 

KAYLA: Mm-hmm. 

SARAH: Yeah, that's good. I think, you know you hear people all the time talking about romanticizing their childhood and like anyone can like, you know romanticize their favorite food from the when they were a child but how about we romanticize your favorite food from when you're an adult right now? If it's the same as you were a child, you're consistent and I appreciate that just be like damn, wow I really fucking love this mac and cheese. I'm going to think about this mac and cheese more often than would be expected 


SARAH: This is my Roman Empire. 

KAYLA: Yeah, okay. Um, I'm having a tough one today 

SARAH: Mm-hmm. I think we should romanticize grass because this often leads to touching grass which is always good 

KAYLA: Interesting. Okay

SARAH: Unless the grass is like poison or something, but that's not a usual thing 

KAYLA: Yeah, I think we should romanticize not speaking. I think we should romanticize just staying silent. I think currently what's romanticized is people that like have a lot of opinions and are like, oh I'm going to like read my poetry to you and like here's all of my ideas and I don't care 

SARAH: No offense to anyone who writes poetry, but like you really need people's consent 

KAYLA: You cannot just be like… it's like when you know, like when a guy whips out a guitar whatever you just like we have to be in the proper setting to be reading aloud 

SARAH: I have some friends who write poetry and it's lovely and wonderful but they don't force you to read it without consent and that's because they respect you 

KAYLA: Yeah. So, I think we should just really romanticize like instead of being like, oh my god, that person never talks they're so shy like what's wrong with them? I think we should be like they're so cool and mysterious I have no idea what's going on over there 

SARAH: Exactly. 

KAYLA: Yeah 

SARAH: You know to that end something I had written down. I'm just going to jump ahead a bit I think we should romanticize active listening. 

KAYLA: Mm-hmm 

SARAH: Just you know be like, oh my God, like they're such a good active listener. Like everyone wants to be like them. They never speak and they listen so well 

KAYLA: Never speak. It's a little scary, but I'm into it 


KAYLA: I think we should romanticize being stinky 

SARAH: Okay 

KAYLA: Because… Listen the earth is dying. Okay, and we're using too many resources such as water 

SARAH: Right. So, this is about saving the earth. This is about environmentalism?

KAYLA: Yeah, not about my disdain for showering which everyone should be doing less 

SARAH: Mm-hmm. 

KAYLA: So, I think instead of it being like oh my gosh that person smells they look kind of dirty like they're not very cleanly. Ooh, I have the Ick, we should be like, oh my God… 

SARAH: They love the earth 

KAYLA: Actually, they’re like crunchy granola. They love the earth. They're one with Mother Nature 

SARAH: Mm-hmm. 

KAYLA: They're their true selves 

SARAH: Like that's the goddess Gaya slash Gaia. 

KAYLA: Yeah, this is… This is what we were… how humans were supposed to be so dirty and stinky 

SARAH: Yeah, do you think cave people were taking showers? No…

KAYLA: God did not…

SARAH: They didn’t fucking have showers 

KAYLA: God didn't invent deodorant. Okay? We did and he hates that. 

SARAH: Yeah. He fucking hates all the shit we invented. 

KAYLA: That's why the French don't wear deodorant to be closer to God 

SARAH: God hates the polio vaccine. God hates everything humanity has created 

KAYLA: Okay, but the polio vaccine was an accident or is that penicillin? 

SARAH: An accident? 

KAYLA: Which one was an accident? 

SARAH: Polio, I believe polio was on purpose because it was the University of Michigan 

KAYLA: Oh, I think it was penicillin that was an accident, right? Weren't they trying to do something else? 

SARAH: I don't know. I've never had penicillin because I may or may not be allergic to it 

KAYLA: Penicillin accident 

SARAH: If it wasn't created as an accident, you could get some very interesting responses 

KAYLA: It was an accident. 

SARAH: It was an accident? 

KAYLA: He was just doing something… He returned from a holiday to find mold growing and then he was like mm, if we ate this mold we wouldn't be sick anymore 

SARAH: Dude early humans were fucking crazy and that's not even that early. That's like somewhat recently but like… 

KAYLA: The 1920s, that's crazy. 

SARAH: Just like the shit that people would do, they would be like, oh, actually

KAYLA: It was mm, mm

SARAH: Mm, delicious 

KAYLA: And so, see if we were a little dirtier and we were like Alexander Fleming and we were willing to eat a little mold and be a little fucking gross maybe we would have solved everything by now. 

SARAH: We could also die from the mold but it's a risk we have to be willing to take 

KAYLA: Hush. We need less of us anyway, okay? It’s too many humans on the earth. 

SARAH: Um, I think related to Mr. Fleming. Was he a doctor? Was he just a …

KAYLA: Yes, he was a doctor. 

SARAH: Okay, dr. Fleming. Dr. Mr. Fleming. Mr. Dr. Fleming. I think we should romanticize molecular biology, not for me, but for like someone else 

KAYLA: Not for me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah

SARAH: Like it's not my romanticized… 

KAYLA: Is there… do you have a reason or? 

SARAH: I mean, I think it's probably pretty important. 

KAYLA: Okay. Sure. 

SARAH: What next? 

KAYLA: Yours are all just so bad like I've truly had to sit here and think about why we should romanticize all of the things you're offering like I’m really not taking… 

SARAH: I’ve skipped over some of the ones that make more sense 

KAYLA: I'm really like… I'm not taking your word on any of this, I'm really sitting here and thinking about whether I too think we should romanticize these things 

SARAH: I could see it in your eyes when I said grass, but…

KAYLA: Yeah, I was… 

SARAH: When I went to the explanation, you were on board 

KAYLA: Yeah, I got it, but at first, I was like this is nothing 

SARAH: Actually, actually I want to know that we actually especially in places that are facing drought such as Southern California we should actually not be romanticizing grass because they…  a lot of water?

KAYLA: Well, you should be romanticizing not showering. 


KAYLA: Because then you can get the grass back 

SARAH: Um, I think maybe in Southern California instead of saying touch grass. We should start saying touch a succulent 

KAYLA: Hmm, or touch the dregs of water in the LA River 


SARAH: Touch a palm… Touch the concrete wall of the LA River 

KAYLA: Every time we drove over it she was like, there's the river and it wasn't wet. It was just… 

SARAH: It’s just concrete walls 

KAYLA: It's just an empty hole. It’s crazy 

SARAH: I love America. 

KAYLA: Um, I think we should romanticize taking our medication 

SARAH: That's on my list too 

KAYLA: I think that sometimes people are like, oh I actually think I'm going to romanticize being mentally ill because it's like oh, I'm edgy and mentally ill but actually that's nothing and bad and instead we should romanticize take your meds by saying “oh meal prep” every time we…

SARAH: Meal prep 

KAYLA: Put our weekly meds in our little container 

SARAH: I don't have a little container, but I still call it meal prepping 

KAYLA: I know. I have a little container, but currently… 

SARAH: I have so many pills every day that it… 

KAYLA: I know. Currently I am running out of meds because I missed when I was supposed to pick them up from CVS 

SARAH: Oh no, how mentally ill of you? 

KAYLA: And they said we don't… and literally it's two blocks away and I just couldn't do it. And I kept ignoring their texts so then I had to type in the CVS website and say please give me some more and they're processing my order and I didn't… I'll be honest, take my meds for a couple days because I was like I'm trying to space them out just in case things get crazy but then I had two nights of crazy dreams and I said I have to get back on these meds. This is getting crazy 

SARAH: Yeah, I was going to say bestie remember when you thought you had ADHD and then you… they said you didn't have ADHD and then you were talking to the person and you were like, well, why is this happening? And then they discovered that you weren't taking your meds consistently and they were like, well, maybe 

KAYLA: This is true. However, I'd also like to point out that my therapist still thinks I should have gotten a diagnosis, so 

SARAH: That's valid, but you also should take your meds

KAYLA: But… anyway 

SARAH: If I don't take my meds I get very anxious about it, which is ironic if I skip the anxiety ones 


SARAH: None of my meds are filled at the same time anymore. It's so annoying 

KAYLA: The problem is I've just like convinced myself that like it's okay, and it's… in my head. I'm like oh, they have such a long half-life and I've taken it for ten years, so there's got to be enough built up in my system. There's not. That's not it. It's literally nothing, if that's how it worked I wouldn't be here, anyway 

SARAH: It was like me when I discovered I should start taking my Adderall on weekends because it works. 

KAYLA: Yeah, that was crazy 

SARAH: Anyway, I think we should romanticize your relationship with your pet, have a little picnic together like have a tea party in you're prettiest dresses, I don't care if you have a dog and a guana, a horse a fish a giant panda that the Chinese government is insisting you return to them because the loan period is over make it work for you 

KAYLA: I saw a really funny TikTok about how the pandas are going to get back to China and the Chinese zookeepers they're going to start talking to them in Chinese and they're going to be like, huh? 

SARAH: The fuck is this 

KAYLA: Because they don't… they've weren't born there 

SARAH: I think some of them might speak Spanish actually 

KAYLA: A lot of times… I… well, at least with like service dogs I know that they train them in different languages so that they don't get all fucked up 

SARAH: I think a lot of times they do it in German. I just meant like if they're from the San Diego Zoo. 

KAYLA: Oh, perhaps they know Spanish. 

SARAH: They might know Spanish 

KAYLA: Perhaps 

SARAH: They have giant pandas in the San Diego Zoo? They must, it's a big zoo. 

KAYLA: I mean San Diego Zoo is like an iconic zoo 

SARAH: It's like the zoo

KAYLA: Yeah, they must have at least one panda. 

SARAH: I feel like you're not supposed to have just one 

KAYLA: Yeah, don't get sad. I'm sad. We're losing the pandas 

SARAH: I like how it was like a diplomatic like you get these pandas for 50 years and then we'll take them back 

KAYLA: Well, and then they couldn't extend it  

SARAH: You will… you will breed them and we will… 

KAYLA: But they… they could have extended it and then they were like, no, we’re mad at America, which I’m like…

SARAH: Yeah 

KAYLA: We do suck but like… the pandas didn’t do anything

SARAH: The pandas?  

KAYLA: For you to rehome them. 

SARAH: I mean generally I think zoos are bad. 

KAYLA: Yes, but not all zoos some zoos are like rehabilitation centers

SARAH: Hashtag not all zoos. Those who are like rehabilitation and like whatever and like this animal cannot be released back into the wild, I'm totally cool with that. 


SARAH: But the ones where it's like, hey… 

KAYLA: No, I don't like a zoo for a zoo sake 

SARAH: Want to see a captive monkey that's perfectly fine and… 

KAYLA: Right 

SARAH: Want to see a captive polar bear. We're in San Diego. It's hot 

KAYLA: No, it's true. There can't just be a zoo for a zoo sake the animals have to be there for a reason 

SARAH: Like I remember when the Detroit Zoo got rid of their elephants because it was too cold for them and they just like weren't doing well. My sister was really upset because she really liked elephants as a child and then the Detroit Zoo got rid of the elephants which was the right thing to do? But… 

KAYLA: They didn't consult Emily 

SARAH: Really heartbreaking for my sister as a child. Anyway, that was mine, it's your turn. 

KAYLA: Oh, um. Well, I just don't think we shouldn't romanticize zoos, but that's not what we're doing. 

SARAH: Yeah, we're doing things we should romanticize 

KAYLA: We’re doing things we should 

SARAH: We should romanticize the opposite of zoos, which is jails for people. We should not romanticize that at all, or fucking… what's it called? What's the system called? That's really bad?

KAYLA: Prison 

SARAH: Prison industrial complex, very bad. We should not be… Whoa, shutdown. What are you doing? Yeah, you were doing some shit on your desk and as a result I was just saying shit and my brain shut down. 

KAYLA: Yeah, sorry. I think we should romanticize 

SARAH: I think we should romanticize on one hand central AC but on the other hand also fireplaces. 

KAYLA: Literally the thing I was going to say was fire and then I was like that's nothing 

SARAH: Well, if it's one man's nothing is another man's word vomit 

KAYLA: I feel like central AC is already very romanticized at least by me who desperately wants it in my room

SARAH: In the Lord's America yeah in Europe though or like in a lot of other countries they're convinced that AC makes you sick 

KAYLA: How would it do that? It's just the air 

SARAH: It doesn't. It does not but there is some evidence that if it's better circulated they might be circulating germs more like if it's if it's circulated but not well ventilated they might be circulating more germs which might explain why some people might get sick more often, but like there's not really actually any AC that makes you sick

KAYLA: But couldn't that be the same if you just don't have a well circulated home? 


KAYLA: You don't have AC, that's… couldn't it just be the same

SARAH: Or if you use a fucking fan in a poorly circulated home. Yes. 

KAYLA: Wait. Yeah that's… You're just blowing your germs around 

SARAH: Listen, I don't know what the Europeans are on, they are against this shit, but this is America, rah what the fuck is a kilometer? 

KAYLA: Oh my God 

SARAH: Um, I think we should romanticize having a harmless little arch nemesis 

KAYLA: I agree, I have so many…

SARAH: Kayla did not question that, she was on board immediately 

KAYLA: I have so many nemeses in my life and they really… some of them are really just what keeps me going 

SARAH: It has got to be… it has got to be like harmless. It can't be like someone who like killed your brother. 


SARAH: You don't have a brother or is this oh did you… 

KAYLA: Imagine if I kept my dead brother from you this whole time? That would be crazy

SARAH: That'd be wild. I would have to reconsider our entire relationship 

KAYLA: Everything. Okay, what… where's the line where it's like becomes not harmless that like what's the worst they can do that's still harmless, I'm trying to figure out if my nemeses are harmless or not. 

SARAH: I don't know


SARAH: I think if you have a nemesis who like did something that was really bad I'm not saying to not have a nemesis not have that nemesis. I'm just saying you shouldn't romanticize having that nemesis 


SARAH: I think we should I think we should only be romanticizing like the silly less consequential ones like this guy always fucking cuts in line in front of me at the coffee shop, I hate him

KAYLA: I have news and that news is that I romanticize every nemesis I have 

SARAH: Mm-hmm 

KAYLA: Big or small 

SARAH: You do you bestie 

KAYLA: Thanks. Probably not good, but… They're also like proven to always be bad people though. I just want to put this out there. Every nemesis I've had… 

SARAH: I believe you 

KAYLA: Has been certified proven by higher powers to be bad people 

SARAH: Which higher powers? 


SARAH: I don't know that I trust HR 

KAYLA: But you have to because there's legal recourse for firing someone

SARAH: I'm sorry. I've never worked at a company with real HR 

KAYLA: That's fair, but they can't just fire anyone like there's a very specific process they have to go through.



SARAH: You know, at first when you said HR like I thought you meant like metaphorical HR


SARAH: Like I thought you meant like God was HR. Incredible 

KAYLA: Previous places I've worked at they fired people 

SARAH: That's why I was like well, how do you know HR is right? because I was thinking HR was God but no, but HR is HR


KAYLA: Because I was there, so 

SARAH: I just don't think it's healthy to be… I think… I think it becomes dangerous when you're romanticizing having a nemesis. 


SARAH: Like I think that's a real problem 

KAYLA: Yes, you shouldn't have a goal to have a nemesis. you shouldn't be like who is going to be my nemesis. 

SARAH: Like you don't want a fucking nemesis, do you? 



KAYLA: You're speaking to the wrong lady, I’m so sorry

SARAH: I think we should romanticize wearing fancy gloves and hats, not for me, maybe I'll wear gloves 

KAYLA: Once again, not for her 

SARAH: I don't want to have gloves 

KAYLA: An interesting thing about wearing gloves is that I recently learned from a true crime podcast, it's a great way of way to steal watches, you just slip up your glove 



SARAH: Okay. 

KAYLA: I think we should romanticize taking pictures which I think is maybe already very romanticized however, I think we should do it more because sometimes I think back and I'm like, oh I should have done more pictures 

SARAH: Mm-hmm. 

KAYLA: Yeah 

SARAH: I take pictures of the randomest shit 

KAYLA: Yeah, like me 

SARAH: Yeah. My entire fucking October Photo dump this month was just full of Kayla. 

KAYLA: I mean I was there for like a week 

SARAH: I think we should romanticize calling it rouge instead of blush. 


SARAH: Okay, I think we should romanticize gumption 


SARAH: Okay, I think we should romanticize fruit snacks. I had three packs of them before this 

KAYLA: This I will allow, what are your thoughts on Scooby snacks 

SARAH: Like Scooby-Doo fruit snacks? 

KAYLA: Yeah 

SARAH: They're the fucking best ones, the blue ones, ooh. Yes

KAYLA: Someone came to our house for Halloween and he was dressed as shaggy so he had Scooby snacks means giving them out and I didn't manage to get any 

SARAH: What's the fucking point? 

KAYLA: I don't, I know… I'm… yeah, I could have had a blue one and I fucking missed out. Oh, so sad

SARAH: The blue ones are the only ones that are opaque 

KAYLA: I know 

SARAH: Opaque means you can't see through it, right? 

KAYLA: Yes. 

SARAH: I always fuck it up 

KAYLA: I've come up with the best one. 

SARAH: Okay 

KAYLA: We have to be romanticizing grocery store sushi. Listen… 

SARAH: You had me until sushi. 

KAYLA: I… you don't like sushi. So, this isn't for you. However, listen, I hear what you're saying. Kayla, it's gross Kayla, it's not fresh fish. I don't care, okay? 

SARAH: I'm not here for fresh fish. 

KAYLA: I'm not, it's $10 for like three times the amount of sushi you would get for ten dollars at a sushi restaurant and…

SARAH: Because it's not fresh

KAYLA: Sure, I guess and it's two steps away from my house because I live next to the grocery store and it just makes you when you have real sushi that is fresh, it makes you even more like oh my gosh this is so good because you remember what real sushi is like, so it makes you grateful 

SARAH: Because it’s shit?

KAYLA: It's not shit. It's like average and then you get to go have like fresh sushi from a fancy restaurant that's really expensive as a treat and you get to be like, oh what a nice treat I'm so thankful but also when I have nothing to eat for lunch I can just go spend ten bucks and be full and happy because it's yummy. 

SARAH: I think, like genuinely we should romanticize doing errands because otherwise 

KAYLA: You're not going to do them 

SARAH: I'm not going to do them. 

KAYLA: Yeah, maybe we had romanticized errands…

SARAH: I need to get in my head that like oh my god 


SARAH: Like, you know how like when you first become, “become an adult” like you go to college and you're like, oh my god I'm going to the grocery store to go grocery shopping, like that needs to continue 

KAYLA: Yeah, if errands are romanticized I probably would have picked up my meds on time because I would have been like look at me walking and really I have… 

SARAH: Two birds one stone 

KAYLA: I have no excuse not to because I live in a walkable city. 

SARAH: I fucking don’t 

KAYLA: So, I should romanticize everything, I should be able to be like remember when I grew up in a farm town that sucked and there was nothing to do and now I can just walk two blocks to CVS. This is amazing, but I don't 

SARAH: Yeah 

KAYLA: No excuse 

SARAH: I wish I lived in a walkable city 

KAYLA: Um, I'm over here. 

SARAH: I can walk to… 

KAYLA: Come through 

SARAH: The gas station 

KAYLA: In the superior tunnel

SARAH: I can walk to the post office 

KAYLA: You can 

SARAH: But often I don't want to because it's hot 

KAYLA: Yeah, you should move 

SARAH: I can walk to the Ballot drop box. It's by the library that's usually closed 


SARAH: I can walk to the library, that doesn't mean it'll be open. 

KAYLA: Yeah 

SARAH: I've never actually been inside 

KAYLA: We have… there's two libraries, like the same library different branches like equidistant from my house like so close to each other. I don't know what they were thinking 

SARAH: We have three of the same Mexican restaurant and when me and Kayla went to that Mexican restaurant we had us… because they we were all exactly equidistant from all three of them so we were like which one should we fucking go to? 

KAYLA: And Sarah picked the one with the best parking and then they had a 12-foot skeleton inside and it was wild 

SARAH: It had eyes that moved 

KAYLA: It was crazy 

SARAH: Anyway

KAYLA: And they had two more skeletons, it was so wild. 

SARAH: I think we should romanticize the time before the Catholic Church changed cup to chalice nothing else about the Catholic Church should be romanticized, but just that, just cup versus chalice and also with you and with your spirit, eat my ass. 


SARAH: You know 

KAYLA: Yeah 

SARAH: I have thoughts 

KAYLA: Yeah 

SARAH: About the changes made to the Catholic Church when I was in like middle school 

KAYLA: No, we were older than that 

SARAH: We were in high school? 

KAYLA: Yeah, I think so. 

SARAH: Okay. 

KAYLA: I don’t know. I think that… I think that we should romanticize a little nap because it has recently come to my attention That a lot of adults don't nap as much as I do 

SARAH: Napping is so good… 

KAYLA: Which is strange. 

SARAH: It's crazy because Hank Green had cancer he was napping and apparently like before that he never napped 


SARAH: And I was like you're missing out girl. 

KAYLA: I recently was talking to someone and he like very just like bluntly to an entire room was like do you guys ever pull an all-dayer? Like where you don't nap and he was so serious. Like it was such a crazy thing to him that that was a regular occurrence that people all-dayers like he was so serious 

SARAH: Oh man, an all-dayer, remarkable 

KAYLA: But I think… I just meet so many adults that are like, oh I never nap. It's not for me and I'm like there's entire countries that they shut down the country. 

SARAH: Yes, that time 

KAYLA: And I told that to one of my friends and she said oh that sounds like a great time to steal things 

SARAH: What is this? The purge 

KAYLA: She loves to do a steal 

SARAH: Jesus Christ 

KAYLA: Not from a store from like her friends she always steals something when she comes to our house 

SARAH: What? Just to feel something? 

KAYLA: Yeah for… yeah for the thrill of it. Yeah

SARAH: Okay Um, I think we should romanticize Steve from Blues Clues not Joe because I don't know him I think there's has been another guy. There's been another guy. 

KAYLA: Yes. There's three I think 

SARAH: Yeah, but Steve, I think we should romanticize 

KAYLA: Who loves that guy? 

SARAH: I think we should romanticize regular vaccinations 

KAYLA: Mm-hmm. 

SARAH: I think we should romanticize the OG YouTube video muffins. 

KAYLA: Oh, man. That's a good one. I feel like we got really close to romanticizing vaccines like when everyone got their Covid vaccines and like their first booster everyone was like boasting… 

SARAH: Ouchie, ouchie 

KAYLA: And was like oh my gosh, look. But then they kind of dropped off like I feel like, you know what I have seen recently though? 

SARAH: Mm-hmm

KAYLA: You know what's being… what is actively being romanticized and we should continue is donating blood. There's been a couple like collaborations with the Red Cross and like some random brand like there was a Snoopy one where if you went and donated blood you got this like really cute Snoopy t-shirt and the amount of people I saw that were like I'm going to give blood for the first time because I have to have this shirt. 

SARAH: Yeah, I should try and give blood again and see if they let me 

KAYLA: I've never… I tried in high school and I couldn't but I haven't tried since so I really should try 

SARAH: I'm one for four, baby. 

KAYLA: Dean has the good blood so they're always calling him and being like can I have some? I don't know what blood type I am. I don't know 

SARAH: I'm O-pos, that was one of the main reasons I gave blood for the first time was because I wanted to know what type of blood I had. 

KAYLA: I wonder if it's in my chart. Hold on. Oh boy. 

SARAH: I… see, the four times I attempted to give blood before it was when I was breaking from home. So, it was a lot easier. 


SARAH: Just like fucking leave. Do it. 

KAYLA: I remember in college we used to do like our school and our rival school would do like a blood battle which like which school can give the most blood, I never did

SARAH: Yeah, and I never gave blood because I was very possessive over my own blood but we've moved past that, we're very brave. 

KAYLA: How did I find what blood type I am? health reports? Health summary

SARAH: Girl, I don’t know what you’re doing…

KAYLA: I think we should romanticize... Oh, no, I just had it 

SARAH: In Korea your blood type is seen as a personality indicator… 

KAYLA: Sensory processing difficulty, oh is that in my chart?

SARAH: Live, we go through Chart, her fucking medical chart to find out what she didn't know about 


KAYLA: Who said that? I mean, I definitely said that, I definitely told them that and it's true. But hey 

SARAH: Have you seen that TikTok where this guy like saw his chart for the first time and he was like, “excuse me, why did the doctor put me at high risk for homosexual activity?” 

KAYLA: Not the high risk

SARAH: Okay. Well, people did say that like a lot of times they'll do that if you are at higher risk for like getting HIV 

KAYLA: Yeah 

SARAH: Like they will flag that but the way it went… the way it was raised 

KAYLA: I mean, I need a pap smear, gross, I hate those 

SARAH: Can we move on? 

KAYLA: No, I have to find… 

SARAH: I’m O-positive 

KAYLA: But I got my blood taken last time I was there. So, like it has to be in here somewhere 

SARAH: Well, if you give blood, the Red Cross will tell you what you have. Um, I think we should romanticize the last time your preferred sports team was good, it they've never been good be optimistic, romanticize the future if you don't like sports, okay 

KAYLA: The Lions are like being good kind of, can you believe that?

SARAH: Easy. I think we should romanticize those little ice cream cups with a wooden stick for a spoon…


SARAH: Because God knows they need the help because they always taste a little like wood 

KAYLA: They're bad, like the ice cream is okay, but you… this…

SARAH: But it tastes like wood? 

KAYLA: Because they only taste wood, it's terrible 

SARAH: Um, I think we should romanticize the time before you were forced to be aware of the uses of Ben Shapiro if um, you didn't know until now, I'm so sorry

KAYLA: I think we should romanticize Home Depot because… 

SARAH: They're homophobic. 

KAYLA: I know 

SARAH: It sucks

KAYLA: But maybe… 

SARAH: We got a great song for them 

KAYLA: Because if we don't romanticize them enough, maybe we can fix them because… and here's the thing, is that they used to do hot dogs 


KAYLA: And so, you would go with your dad… 

SARAH: And they got those buckets 


SARAH: You know what my dad would do? He would take us into the toilet seat aisle and he would make them talk and me and my sister found that so fucking funny 

KAYLA: So stupid. My dad would just go or whatever and I'd be like fine I'll go too and then I got to get a hot dog and a bag of chips and it's literally the best tasting hot dog I’ve ever had

SARAH: Really smooth floors, really good floors. 

KAYLA: Yeah, Costco floors too, it feels good in there, smells good in there 

SARAH: Good floors

KAYLA: Yeah, but I can't do Costco because of my sensory processing issues. I can't do Costco 

SARAH: My sister would always wear her heelys to Costco. Um… 

KAYLA: Nice 

SARAH: Like I think we should romanticize the time that Lauren Boebert got kicked out of Beetlejuice the musical for vaping, talking loudly and doing hand stuff 

KAYLA: That was the video? 

SARAH: It was September 

KAYLA: That video is bananas like… 

SARAH: Lauren Boebert is a current representative in the United States House of Representatives. She represents Colorado… 

KAYLA: A grown woman 

SARAH: I think we should romanticize the time earlier today when I had for some reason thought it was Marjorie Taylor Green who had done that, which I think would have been a little funnier 

KAYLA: Hmm, I don't know who… do I know who that is? 

SARAH: I think we should romanticize the time when Kayla didn't know who Marjorie Taylor Green was because the… it's uh, what a better time, this piece of shit

KAYLA: I mean, maybe I do 

SARAH: MTG, she's blonde. 

KAYLA: They're all blonde. 

SARAH: She does CrossFit 

KAYLA: Okay, everyone that does CrossFit is blonde that doesn't help 

SARAH: I think we should romanticize the time when you were a child and you literally didn't know what politics was yet 

KAYLA: Yeah, that was cool 

SARAH: I think we should romanticize Nett hier. Aber waren Sie schon mal in Baden-Württemberg

KAYLA: Huh? 

SARAH: Okay, so there are these stickers 

KAYLA: Mm-hmm 

SARAH: And on them, they say,  Nett hier. Aber waren Sie schon mal in Baden-Württemberg. Which means? It's nice here, but have you ever been to Baden-Württemberg? Which is a… which is a state in Germany. It's where I lived when I was there. Um, and it's unclear if this was like an actual serious ad campaign or if it was… it was a meme from the jump but um, they would give away those stickers for free and then people would try and stick them in the wildest places they could so you'd be in like Malta and you'd see a sticker that says Nett hier. Aber waren Sie schon mal in Baden-Württemberg 

KAYLA: That’s wild

SARAH: And there's like an Instagram dedicated to like all the most obscure places like…

KAYLA: Do you think there's one in Antarctica? 

SARAH: At the fucking top of a bridge? Uh, where would they yeah...

KAYLA: Yeah, like in the labs, there's this guy I follow… 

SARAH: At first, I was like, on the ice? 

KAYLA: No. There's this guy I follow on TikTok that like works and lives at like the lab and you know people live there for like months or years, whatever and it's crazy. 

SARAH: Yeah. Um, so I think we should romanticize that and I think we should romanticize the oxford comma, I think we should romanticize the word diphthong and finally, I think we should romanticize your college loans or any other debt you have solely so that maybe they don't seem so scary 

KAYLA: Mm-hmm. I think romanticizing scary things unless they're like scary dangerous things. 

SARAH: Yeah Well, I would say…

KAYLA: Because they should scary. 

SARAH: I would say that predatory loans are dangerous, but 

KAYLA: Yeah, I guess. Okay, don't romanticize them before you get them, don't be like, oh my God. I wish I had a loan, only romanticize after it happens 

SARAH: Exactly 

KAYLA: Till you get copable 

SARAH: Copable 

KAYLA: Yep. I'm sleepy, it's midnight 

SARAH: What's our poll for this week? I'm done 

KAYLA: Thank God, um, what should we romanticize? 

SARAH: What should we romanticize? I think a follow-up question, Nett hier. Aber waren Sie schon mal in Baden-Württemberg

KAYLA: I don't know how to spell that. 

SARAH: I'll send it to you. 

KAYLA: Are you… Nope 

SARAH: Have you considered…

KAYLA: What are our… what are our options? 

SARAH: Nett hier. Aber waren Sie schon mal in Baden-Württemberg

KAYLA: No, next, next 

SARAH: Nett hier. Aber waren Sie schon mal in Baden-Württemberg, Lauren Boubert doing hand stuff in Beetle Juice 

KAYLA: I'm not writing that 

SARAH: Um. Your relationship with your pet, shutting the fuck up, cleaning up litter… 

KAYLA: We never said that 

SARAH: What was the one about garbage? 

KAYLA: Just picking up litter 

SARAH: Yeah, that's what I just said 

KAYLA: You know when you said that, I was thinking of cat litter and I was like, we never talked about cleaning the cat litter 

SARAH: There's nothing in your brain, right? 

KAYLA: That's so wild. I just… I heard… that’s so crazy that they're the same word, I'm so tired dog. 

SARAH: And finally, gumption 

KAYLA: Okay 

SARAH: Oh, I thought you were going to say no that 

KAYLA: I'm tired. I just want to be done. You could say anything except for your German shit 

SARAH: The oxford comma 

KAYLA: It's over. I wrote them down. 

SARAH: Nett hier. Aber waren Sie schon mal in Baden-Württemberg


SARAH: Kayla, what's your beef and your juice this week? 

KAYLA: My beef is that I’ve just been very busy, like I feel like for the past two weeks I just keep having things go on and I… but I like to just sit on my couch and do nothing, but I haven't really gotten the opportunity to do that 

SARAH: Unfortunately

KAYLA: Which is stinky, my juice is I was supposed to have some plans next week but then they were canceled and there's nothing I love more than canceled plans and it's giving me like two to three days of my life back 

SARAH: Wow, so that's a big canceled plan 

KAYLA: So, huge, huge, so that's a juice. My other juice is this shirt that Sarah got me. I posted it on my Instagram today Thursday if you didn't see it, it's um… 

SARAH: It's Wednesday. 

KAYLA: Well for me, it's Thursday 

SARAH: But you posted it on Wednesday. 

KAYLA: I just looked at the top of my computer. And it said Thursday. How would you describe this? It's like one of those like 90s shirts where like there's a or like 80s where there's a bunch of Pictures and texts. 

SARAH: I want you guys to just look up, thatsmydawg, D-a-w-g. 

KAYLA: Yeah, on Instagram 

SARAH: And that is who makes them 

KAYLA: Yeah, um, so it's basically just pictures of my cats with some large word art and I just… Dean came upstairs today and dropped a package on my desk while I was working and I said I didn't order this but at this point like sometimes I get random packages from work that I’m not expecting, sometimes I get… so, it truly could be from anyone. So, I was like, what is this and I opened it and I said, oh my God 

SARAH: I was very good and brave and didn't give any indication that it was coming 

KAYLA: You didn't that was… because the last random thing you gave me you told me that you got me something. 

SARAH: I ordered it before you were in LA. 

KAYLA: Oh my gosh, you kept it a secret for so long. 

SARAH: I know, I'm so brave. 

KAYLA: You're very brave. So, I'm going to die in this shirt now and I’m never going to take it off and everyone is very jealous of it, so. 

SARAH: Stinky babies 

KAYLA: Stinky babies. 

SARAH: I would definitely recommend buying shit from his company though. My guy Diego was so nice 

KAYLA: I love that 

SARAH: I was… the original design. I was like, hey, actually, can you switch this thing? He was like, yeah, bro. He was like, I love these pictures. They're so funny 

KAYLA: Do you think that they would do pictures that aren't pets at all? 

SARAH: You could ask

KAYLA: Do you think I could just do pictures of myself? 

SARAH: I mean I think you have to ask now 

KAYLA: Because here's the thing, is I've seen shirts like this before on TikTok but people make them on Etsy and I've seen girls will just do like funny or hot pictures of them and then their name on it and they'll give it to their boyfriends 

SARAH: Well, it's like a band musical artist shirt. 


SARAH: Like it's like that vibe 

KAYLA: Yeah. So, I've seen it before where people make them with just pictures of themselves and then they give it to someone they're like you have to wear my face now. So, I’m like but I want this company to do it because they did such a good job so could I just send them pictures of me? 



KAYLA: Okay 

SARAH: My beef is my back. I think I fucked it up. 

KAYLA: I'm shocked. 

SARAH: I'm not going to elaborate because it will trigger me. 

KAYLA: Okay 

SARAH: My juice is that um, so my cousin who is not my cousin, he's my dad's cousin's child um who a couple years ago she dressed up as a pine cone for Halloween, this is a child 

KAYLA: She is my everything 

SARAH: I'm a child 

KAYLA: I’m her biggest fan 

SARAH: This year for Halloween, she dressed up as her own father 

KAYLA: Didn't she also have a snake themed birthday party? 

SARAH: She had a snake themed third birthday party. 

KAYLA: I am this child's biggest fan 

SARAH: Um, but this year she dressed up as her father and then of course they were wearing matching outfits, her father is bald. So, she had a bald cap 

KAYLA: Oh. I didn't realize that, I saw the picture, I didn't realize she had a bald cap 

SARAH: Oh there's, I… I… uh, there was another picture that I didn't see at first because my sister did a bad job 


SARAH: Sending us the important information. I'll send it to you. I didn't realize at first either that she had a bald cap, but… 

KAYLA: It’s so funny 

SARAH: So good. Anyway, yeah, that's my beef and my juice 

KAYLA: Good 

SARAH: Imagine I have to go to a fucking sports medicine doctor 

KAYLA: What are you saying right now? Oh, for your back, oaky. That’d be funny, that’d be really funny 

SARAH: I actually do have the name of one in LA from my old one, so 

KAYLA: Good 

SARAH: But hey, I'm off my parents’ fucking insurance. Anyway, you can tell us about your beef, your juice… 

KAYLA: Oh, she’s bald 

SARAH: Yeah. My sister went for Halloween one time as a Charlie Brown, she wore a bald cap. 

KAYLA: That's good. 

SARAH: I was Snoopy. Okay. You can tell us about your beef, your juice, your local child and the strange thing they dressed up as for Halloween on our social media @soundsfakepod. Rosie, the dog was a ghost that she didn't like it, Sadie, was an old lady

KAYLA: That was very funny, I didn’t see that. One of my friends was passing out Candy yesterday, which was Halloween for us and he said that on two different occasions they would ask the kid like who are you as in their costume…

SARAH: Yeah, what’s their costume

KAYLA: And the kids would just go, they would go, I'm grace, oh wait, I'm… they were just like, oh who am? I'm Sally, like ma'am, not your name, idiot, kids are so stupid 

SARAH: Did you see that video of that kid trick-or-treating that would just go into people's houses? 

KAYLA: I saw that today, she like tripped through the door. They opened the door and they're like, hi she just walks in and then trips and falls on her face. 

SARAH: Yeah, and then the parents were like, whoa, wait, what are you doing? 

KAYLA: No, no, no, no

SARAH: Anyway. Yeah, @soundsfakepod, if you want to give us money, we have $5 patrons who we’re pointing this week, they're H. Valdez, Jennifer smart, Yogh, Jellie Liz, Burton Catherine and Bailey, all icons, you're great, our $10… I said that really monotonously, but I meant 

KAYLA: I don't know if you did, I don’t know what you mean 

SARAH: You’re great, was that delivery better for you? 


SARAH: Better than, you're great. 

KAYLA: You're great 

SARAH: Our $10 patrons who are promoting something this week are Arcness would like to promote the Trevor project, Benjamin Ybarra who would like to promote Tabletop games, Boston Smith who would like to promote their YouTube and TikTok @yourbuddyBoston and Selena Dobson who would like to promote the entertainment community fund to support striking workers, when will the strike… the sag strike fucking end? The UAW strike ended 

KAYLA: Which one is that? 

SARAH: Cars 


SARAH: You're from Michigan. You should know what the fucking UAW is 

KAYLA: I don't know anyone in the union. I'm sorry 

SARAH: Oh, I guess your hometown is too far out 

KAYLA: It is. I mean my dad works... Well, he's retired now, but he worked on cars but not… 

SARAH: Everybody in Detroit does 

KAYLA: He would not be in the way like he'd be in a union, so. Um, I saw that Lionsgate did… was like… did… had an agreement, so that's one 

SARAH: I don't even know what you're talking about 

KAYLA: Uh, because they're… SAG is letting the hunger games be promoted by the actors because Lionsgate like came to an agreement with SAG 

SARAH: Oh, okay, interesting. All right, um, our other $10 patrons are David Harris, Derek and Karissa, Alberta, my aunt Jeannie, Maff, Martin Giselle, Purple Haze, Barefoot Backpacker, Song of Storm, Allison uh and Ani. Our $15 patrons are Ace who'd like to promote the writer Crystal Share, Andrew Hillen who would like to promote the invisible spectrum podcast, Dea Chappelle who'd like to promote, Hector Mario who'd like to promote friends that are supportive, constructive and helps you grow to a better person, Nathaniel White who'd like to promote and Kayla Zanina who would like to promote Our $20 patron is dragonfly who would like to promote striking workers, you're good, you're doing good things 

KAYLA: You're doing good 

SARAH: fuck those big bitches, the big bitches being the people who they're striking against. Thanks for listening, tune in next Sunday for more of us in your ears 

KAYLA: And until then, take good care of your cows