Sounds Fake But Okay
A podcast where an aromantic asexual girl and a biromantic demisexual girl talk about all things to do with love, relationships, sexuality, and pretty much anything else that they just don't understand.
339 episodes
Ep 337: Beauty Standards
Hey what's up hello! Today we talk about the morning shed, appealing to various gazes, and other such beauty standard shenanigans. Episode Transcript: www.soundsfa...

Ep 336: Non-Allo Major Life Events
Hey what's up hello! Today we have LOTS of house to keep. Then, we talk about the importance of celebrating major life events that aren't allo-centric things like weddings or baby showers.Episode Transcript:

Ep 335: What to Give Up for Lent
Hey what's up hello! Some people are giving things up for Lent. We have ideas. Episode Transcript: www.soundsfakepod.com/transcripts/what-to-give-up-for-le...

Ep 334: Reddit Rabbit Hole pt. 15
Hey what's up hello! We're back reading Reddit stories with a heavy detour to Bologna Fest.Episode Transcript: www.soundsfakepod.com/transcripts/reddit-rabbit-h...

Ep 333: Inclusive Sex Ed feat. Dee Whitnell
Hey what's up hello! This week we're chatting with Dee Whitnell about their new book Beyond Bananas and Condoms: The LGBTQIA+ Inclusive Sex Education You Never Got at School. Episode Transript:

Ep 332: Aro Week feat. AUREA
Hey what's up hello! This week we're celebrating Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week by chatting with Rachel Levi and Kerry Chin, two of the authors of AUREA's upcoming book on aromanticism!Episode Transcript:

Ep 331: Emophilia
Hey what's up hello! This week we talk about emophilia - a psychological trait that describes people who fall in love easily, quickly, and often. Personally, we cannot relate.Episode Transcript:

Ep 330: Gen Z Dating Slang
Hey what's up hello! This week we're talking about (alleged) Gen Z dating slang. And the moon, apparently.Episode Transcript: www.soundsfakepod.com/transcripts/gen-z-...

Ep 329: Listener Lore pt. 3
Hey what's up hello! This week we're reading some lighthearted and silly stories submitted by you!Content Warning: Sex traffickingEpisode Transcript: www.sou...

Ep 328: Google's Year in Search
Hey what's up hello! We are back and just as mediocre as ever. This week we're answering the internet's most burning relationship questions from 2024. Episode Transcript:

Ep 327: Same Podcast, One Year Apart (The Fifth Year)
Hey what's up hello! For our last episode of the year we're returning to our annual tradition of recording the same episode one year apart, a la the Billie Eilish Vanity Fair interviews.Thank you for another fantastic year! We are so gra...

Ep 326: Reddit Rabbit Hole pt 14 (Kids Edition)
Hey what's up hello! For our penultimate episode of the year, we're heading back to Reddit to react to some wild stories involving kids.Episode Transcript:

Ep 325: Hallmark Christmas Movies
Hey what's up hello! This week we're TOGETHER coming at you live from Kayla's hometown. We talk all about Hallmark Christmas movies from an aspec perspective.Episode Transcript:

Ep 324: Listener Lore pt. 2
Hey what's up hello! We're back with another edition of Listener Lore. We give some updates on last time's stories and then get into more truly wild stuff.Episode Transcript:

Ep 323: The 4B Movement
Hey what's up hello! This week we're talking about the Korean 4B Movement and how it could or could not be applied to the US post-election.Episode Transcript:

Ep 322: Conjugal Visits
Hey what's up hello! This week we're talking about conjugal visits - what they are, their history, and what they mean for the importance of sex in society.Episode Transcript:

Ep 321: "Hear Me Out" Cakes
Hey what's up hello! This week we discussing the concept of "Hear Me Out" cakes and asking the age-old question: are the allos okay?Episode Transcript: www.s...

Ep 320: Listener Lore (AITA)
Hey what's up hello! This week instead of heading to Reddit to find wild stories about love and life, we're getting our stories straight from you, our loyal listeners. Strap in, it's about to get wild (literally).Episode Transcript:

Ep 319: Would You Rather - Aspec Edition
Hey what's up hello! This week we're playing a good old-fashioned game of Would You Rather - aspec edition.Episode Transcript: www.soundsfakepod.com/tran...

Ep 318: Public Displays of Affection
This week we're talking all about PDA and just how much Sarah hates it no matter what. Also please write Vote FWD letters with Sarah or else she'll cry and think you hate democracy.Episode Transcript:

Ep 317: Reddit Rabbit Hole pt 13
Hey what's up hello! Once again we are in the Reddit and Am I The Asshole trenches.Content Notice: Discussions of gun violence, abuse, and policeEpisode Transcript:

316: Unconditional Love
Hey what's up hello! This week we talk about unconditional love - Is it real? Should it exist? What problems does it cause? We also talk a lot about hell. I don't know man. You know how this podcast is.Content Warnings: discussion of sc...

Ep 315: Cishet Men are Homoerotic
Hey what's up hello! This week we're talking about heterosexual men, and how actually... homoerotic they are? Content notice: Brief mentions of sexual assaultEpisode Transcript: