Sounds Fake But Okay
Sounds Fake But Okay
Ep 321: "Hear Me Out" Cakes
Hey what's up hello! This week we discussing the concept of "Hear Me Out" cakes and asking the age-old question: are the allos okay?
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SARAH: Hey, what's up? Hello. Welcome to Sounds Fake But Okay, a podcast where an aro-ace girl. (I'm Sarah, that's me)
KAYLA: And a bi-demisexual girl (That's me Kayla)
SARAH: Talk about all things to do with love, relationships, sexuality, and pretty much anything else we just don't understand
KAYLA: On today's episode, ‘Hear Me Out Cakes’
BOTH: Sounds Fake But Okay
SARAH: Welcome back to the pod
KAYLA: We hope you had the most lovely ace week, the most lovely of times
SARAH: You'll never guess, but we forgot about it
KAYLA: It's like they do it every year and every year we forget
SARAH: You know, we got an email somewhat recently regarding aro week
SARAH: And I was like, oh is that soon? So, I googled it and I was like, oh it's in February and so I was like…
KAYLA: They just know how long we take… they must have known how long it takes for us to do anything
SARAH: They must have known. And so, I was like, oh we're good
SARAH: No. I was like, oh, I thought there was one like around my birthday. Like I thought there was one in October, but I just didn't look further into it
KAYLA: Yeah. The only time I feel we remember ace week is when someone like asks us to do something for it or like is writing an article or something and people are just like asking less of us these days which like is great, give more time to other folks
KAYLA: But now I don't have a reminder anymore
SARAH: Yeah, and we could put it in your calendar, but that would make too much sense.
KAYLA: Yeah, it really would, so
SARAH: Well, I hope everyone had a good ace week whether they remembered it existed or not
KAYLA: I will say Ace Dad made a great video about like, oh, there's all this pressure to like do stuff during ace week but the best way to celebrate is just to like take care of you and live your best ace life. And I was like, yes exactly and my best ace life is forgetting, so.
SARAH: It’s forgetting. We love you Cody
KAYLA: Cody's book, Cody's new book is out
SARAH: Oh, hell yeah
KAYLA: Go get it.
SARAH: It's about aro and ace relationships
KAYLA: Mm-hmm. And it's very pretty, and hopefully we'll have Cody on the on the pod soon, I talked to them a little bit, and once their life isn't so crazy…
SARAH: Oh, you did?
KAYLA: Yeah.
SARAH: Hell, yeah
KAYLA: Yeah, he was like in my DM…
SARAH: Oh my God
KAYLA: Whatever…
SARAH: Oh my God. Great.
SARAH: Kayla. Do we have any housekeeping? Oh, we do have housekeeping
SARAH: I would like to thank Steph and Zach and maybe Jillian, if you can commit, for actually writing letters with me
KAYLA: Yaaaaaay
SARAH: Steph and Zach both took the challenge to outdo me seriously and they have in fact outdone me.
KAYLA: Oh, okay
SARAH: Well, last I checked Zach had signed up for enough to outdo me but had not sent all of them yet, please hold
KAYLA: That is very impressive though, because you did so many
SARAH: Okay, so Steph adopted 300 and has sent 260
KAYLA: Um, hello
SARAH: Zach has adopted 60 and has sent 20
KAYLA: Hello
SARAH: I adopted 55 and sent 55. And then, Jillian adopted 20, but hasn't sent any yet
KAYLA: That is wild
SARAH: 300 is so many
KAYLA: I don't understand how you could… how a person could possibly do that, but I'm very proud of you
SARAH: I'm thinking about the cost of postage
KAYLA: Yeah, maybe they work somewhere where they can just like steal a little stamp, you know
SARAH: Okay, but stealing 300 stamps someone is gonna notice
KAYLA: I don't know, what if they have like stacks on stacks of stamps?
SARAH: Stacks on stacks of stamps, maybe, I don't know.
KAYLA: What if they like work in the mailroom of their place? So, it's like… whatever
SARAH: I don't know what to tell you
KAYLA: Or they just like dropped it in the mailbox at work because like for me we just like have a mailbox at work and it goes down to the mailroom and they send it out and I sent my rent check that way the other day
SARAH: They will stamp it?
KAYLA: No, I stamped it myself, now that I think about
SARAH: Yeah, because I don't think they're gonna pay your postage for you
KAYLA: Well, one time I think we did put something in there that wasn't stamped
SARAH: Did it make it to its destination?
KAYLA: It did because I was asking my co-workers, I was like, do we have any stamps? What do I do? And they were like, no just put it here and they'll take it right away from you.
KAYLA: So maybe they do stamp, I don't know. But that reminds me I need to send my rent check, anyway
SARAH: Hu hu hu hu. Thank you, Steph and Zach, and tentatively Jillian. Jillian, this is your reminder to send your letters. Also, Zach and Steph you also both have letters to send still so congrats.
KAYLA: Yeah, because they haven't done enough
SARAH: Well, once you adopt them, they're yours. No one else is gonna get them, so
SARAH: And I am now…
KAYLA: Homeless
SARAH: Homeless? I'm not homeless
KAYLA: But the adopted… the adopted people…
KAYLA: Have no letters.
SARAH: I see
KAYLA: Orphaned
SARAH: Okay, we're gonna move… we're gonna stop, we're moving on. Kayla, what are we talking about this week?
KAYLA: Okay, wait, just one last thing
SARAH: Oh my God.
KAYLA: I just want to say, to thank you for everyone that loved last week's episode because we had so much fun doing it, at least I had fun doing it. I guess, I don't know
SARAH: Oh, yeah, our housekeeping is join our Discord so that you can see the updates
KAYLA: Okay, yeah, there are so many updates in the Discord. I also think next time we do a ‘Listener Lore’ drop because we will definitely do more, we can do updates from the last ones
SARAH: From the last ones, yeah
KAYLA: In there, yeah, for anyone that's not in the Discord, but…
SARAH: We received via email photos of giraffes
KAYLA: We did, yes
SARAH: We received via Discord a photo of the car in the ocean
SARAH: It's still unclear how it got there, but it is there.
KAYLA: Yeah, and that… I'll be honest. We did get some clarifications on some of our questions about the car in the ocean story, but not…
SARAH: Not all
KAYLA: As many as you would want. The important ones remain a mystery to all, I was telling everyone in the Discord that if I ever get to heaven and Jesus himself is like, I'll tell you one... I'll like answer one of humanity's mysteries for you
SARAH: Mm-hmm
KAYLA: I'll say let me see the replay of that, take me there, and let me watch it, God, please. I have to know
SARAH: ‘On The Replay,’ as Rihanna says
KAYLA: Uh-huh.
SARAH: Yeah, well. All right, so we'll give more in-depth updates next time we do a ‘Listener Lore’ drop.
KAYLA: So now you have to listen to the next one
SARAH: He he he he. Kayla, what are we talking about this week? I am proud of myself.
KAYLA: Okay.
SARAH: I came up with this idea days ago
KAYLA: That's true actually, we didn't really do any prep with the information that we had, but we did have it.
SARAH: No, but we have the security of knowing what we’re podcasting about, neither of us…
KAYLA: You didn't even… yeah
SARAH: Neither of us had to text the other today with the word, ‘what?’
KAYLA: What? Yeah, I know. It kind of made me afraid because you… there was no ‘what’ text and then you left work a little late so there was a couple of times I was like checking my phone to see if you had texted me your standard audio message that… from the car which means you're on your way home
KAYLA: And so, I like checked your location because I was like, is it not Wednesday? I like freaked myself out, I was like, maybe it's not Wednesday.
SARAH: Yeah, I was like, this is our means of confirming that the podcast is happening today, so
KAYLA: Yeah, it's tough, it's really… our system is so ironclad
SARAH: Truly
KAYLA: It's really hard when we get off, yeah
SARAH: And then I sent you more audio messages than you bargained for
KAYLA: Yeah, and you were singing in all of them. And at first it was charming and then it was…
SARAH: I was singing all of my stories
KAYLA: And then it wasn't… And then it became not as charming as the time when… I had to keep turning it down a little bit because it was just a little, a little much
SARAH: Listen, I was sitting in a lot of traffic. Okay. Okay. So, what are we talking about this week?
KAYLA: Okay, this week… what if we just talked about nothing? Just kidding, this week we are talking about the trend of ‘hear me out cakes’ on TikTok, which I know we will have to explain, I feel like a lot of people are not gonna know this trend
SARAH: Yes, I first saw this a couple of weeks ago, and I remember the first one I saw I sent to you but because neither of us ever check our TikTok messages, I'm not sure you saw.
KAYLA: Yeah, I did not, I didn't. I mean I have seen them, maybe I've seen the one that you sent me but I don't look at my messages, so
SARAH: I noticed today that you had liked one of the Instagram posts I sent you, like you liked the message, and I was like, Kayla looks at this? Only sometimes
KAYLA: Rarely
SARAH: Rarely
KAYLA: Only sometimes but today it happened for a little bit.
SARAH: Well, I'm so proud of you, you're doing such great things. And I try not to send you too much shit. You don't want to know…
KAYLA: But you do…
SARAH: How many things I send…
KAYLA: I know
SARAH: To fucking… to my former… the artist formerly known as my roommate, I send her all sorts of shit and she sends me shit from two different accounts.
KAYLA: That's… yeah, that's a lot
SARAH: Anyway, so, okay hear me out cakes. I think we need to start by explaining what ‘hear me’ out means in this context
KAYLA: Yeah, I think that would be helpful
SARAH: So, in this context, ‘hear me out’ is when a person is talking about someone to whom they're… it's generally considered to be like sexually attracted to this person
KAYLA: Yeah, or just like think is hot, I guess.
SARAH: Yeah. Yeah, but they know that it's kind of a controversial take, like they're not necessarily like traditionally attractive, so, they're like, okay, but hear me out
KAYLA: Or like people would disagree with them, yeah
SARAH: Right. Yeah. One of the most famous ‘hear me outs’ that I can think of off the top of my head that I just know in my life is… hold on, I need to Google this character's name.
KAYLA: I feel like I know who it is.
SARAH: I have a friend who's like number one ‘hear me out’ is Randall Boggs from Monsters, Inc
KAYLA: Okay, this is not who I thought we were gonna be talking about, I don't know about all that
SARAH: Oh, did you think it was gonna be Jeff Goldblum? That's not…
KAYLA: No, I thought it was gonna be the Fox from Zootopia
SARAH: Oh, okay. No, so it's Randall… my friend her ‘hear me out’ is Randall Boggs from…
KAYLA: I have heard that
SARAH: Monsters, Inc, if you've seen Monsters, Inc, Randall Boggs is the chameleon thing, like the villain, like…
KAYLA: The evil purple chameleon who's nasty.
SARAH: Uh-huh, and her ‘hear me out’ is Randall Boggs
KAYLA: Here's the thing, I think like the ‘hear me out’ phenomenon is very much so related to the like medium ugly rat-looking man.
KAYLA: Like I think that those are like inter… they're linked somehow
SARAH: Interesting
KAYLA: And Randall does give me medium ugly vibes
KAYLA: Like if I picture what Randall would look like as a human man, I do think he would have like the rat look about…
SARAH: Yeah, that's very…
KAYLA: Like lanky and long and like spindly fingers, you know?
SARAH: Yeah, that's fair.
KAYLA: I could see that. Do you have a ‘hear me out’?
KAYLA: Like not someone you're sexually attracted to obviously, but someone you think is hot that you're like…
SARAH: No, I struggle with that because I… the first time I saw a ‘hear me out cake,’ I was like, oh we should do this on the pod, and then I was like, I don't have anything to contribute
SARAH: Um, it just doesn't… it doesn't work for me because in my mind a ‘hear me out’ is generally like it's sexual or like hot but in that direction
SARAH: And I don't… There's no one who I would…
KAYLA: No, I think you're… I think you're right because it's not just the aesthetics, like it's not just the aesthetic like hotness, there is something about the like the character and like… especially if it's a cartoon character like the personification of that character so like you can't really just go based on aesthetics…
SARAH: Yeah, it’s…
KAYLA: It has to be like the full thing.
SARAH: It's a full package situation. So, people have been talking about their ‘hear me outs’ for like ages, forever
SARAH: Since… before the rat discourse started, people would just be like, okay, but hear me out
SARAH: This person, this creature, this whatever. So, the phenomenon of ‘hear me out cakes’ it started on…
KAYLA: I don’t know how… I know it started on TikTok, but like who was like we have to put this on a cake?
SARAH: I'm not sure who specifically originated it, but basically what it is, is you get a cake, any cake will do
KAYLA: Mm-hmm
KAYLA: I've seen some weird ones, some real nasty cakes
SARAH: In the spirit of the hear me out cake, it's a gross looking cake
SARAH: So, what you do is you come up with all of your ‘hear me outs’ and you print them out, print images of them out and then you put them on a little stick, a wooden stick or some sort of stick and what you do is you do it with someone else and you take turns putting your ‘hear me outs’ into the cake and then the other person or persons you are with judge you
KAYLA: Mm-hmm. And then at the end you just have a cake covered
SARAH: Uh-huh
KAYLA: And skewers with people on them
SARAH: Correct, many of them not people
KAYLA: Yes, yeah
SARAH: And the thing about ‘hear me out’ cakes is there has been some discourse about like what constitutes a ‘hear me out’ and like there are some people… like you'll see someone be like, okay, well, this person and it's like, no, that's not a ‘hear me out’ because that's a conventionally attractive person
KAYLA: Yes, it cannot be a conventionally attractive person and honestly the weirder the better
KAYLA: Like if I see a video and it's all shit, I've already thought of, I don't want that, I want some weird fucked up shit
SARAH: Yeah, the purpose is for it to be like…
KAYLA: Shocking
SARAH: Is for you to be like, “what the fuck?”
KAYLA: Yeah, to need to hear… you need… to be a true hear me out, there needs to be an actual hear me out, you need to have to explain it
KAYLA: And to be heard out
KAYLA: Or else it's…
KAYLA: Like it has to… you have to need to explain it, that's how like wild it is
SARAH: If you're like, hear me out, Chris Pine. No
SARAH: No, that does not count.
KAYLA: If you came at me and said hear me out, Chris Pratt, now this is interesting because I am gonna need to hear more because I hate that motherfucker
SARAH: Because that's taking into consideration…Yeah, that's taking into consideration his personality and his being, you know
KAYLA: Yeah, exactly.
SARAH: Yeah.
SARAH: So, we're just gonna talk about some of the ‘hear me out’ and the hear me out cakes we've seen on the internet and judged the allos
KAYLA: Mm-hmm. Yes
SARAH: I would like to start with this tweet which is related to what we're talking about how extreme a ‘hear me out’ must be for it to count
KAYLA: Mm-hmm
SARAH: This person tweeted, here is my biggest hear me out, and it's a photo of one of the Trolls from the animated Trolls movie.
KAYLA: Okay.
SARAH: Do you know the Trolls? Do you know which one this is?
KAYLA: I don't, I've never seen the Trolls. I think that works because I don't get it, I don't get the attraction, so…
SARAH: Yeah, it looks like…
KAYLA: I think that qualifies
SARAH: Maybe a young adult Troll
KAYLA: I think that's a… he kind of looks like a young… it's like that's too young of a Troll
SARAH: Yeah, I'm like is that Troll a teenager or like…
KAYLA: That's what I'm saying, like that Troll, it kind of looks like a teen Troll, which like I can’t… I mean, maybe this person is a teen but…
SARAH: Yeah, it could be. Anyway, it's this Troll. And I saw… I didn't actually see the original but I saw a quote retweet of this post, and the quote retweet was the replies being, “that's a conventionally attractive Troll” are taking me the fuck out
KAYLA: No, I just can't agree with that because I don't find that Troll attractive. It’s also…
SARAH: I think if you were a Troll and you were attracted to Trolls, I think that probably would be a conventionally attractive troll, but we're not trolls
KAYLA: Yeah, but here's the thing Sarah, we're not Trolls. I want to look up the other Trolls’ characters because it matters to me unlike the… Okay, apparently that Troll’s name is Branch, maybe. I find him to look like a fuck boy, his name is Branch, I don’t like the energy he's giving
SARAH: Yeah, that’s Branch, this cosplay of Branch is terrifying
KAYLA: Oh, I bet, it's a Troll
SARAH: Unfortunately, this hear me out cake core post that I found doesn't have fucking captions, inaccessible first of all, second of all, you're making my podcasting difficult
KAYLA: I hate that
SARAH: But yeah, so I recently stumbled upon a TikTok that was like hear me out cake core, so it's kind of like best of and so let me… I will have to turn the fucking volume up, please hold
KAYLA: Terrible
SARAH: The first one is just, it's maybe too funny and extreme to start but I love it so much, so please hold. So, the first one, it's a group of college girls
SARAH: There are like five of them and their cake is full, they're at the very end, and this girl was like, okay, I have my last one, everyone gather around, she was like everyone come here. Like I need you all to be locked the fuck in when I do my last one, and she puts it on the cake…
KAYLA: Oh, no I’m scared
SARAH: Let me see if I can make you guys hear this… Um, I don't know how clear that was, but…
KAYLA: I didn't hear it
SARAH: Okay, her last ‘hear me out’ was one of the other girls’ dads, the other people they're like realize it and started laughing and then the girl who's dad it was she like takes a second and then she goes, “that's my dad.” Very funny
KAYLA: Oh, that's so good, that’s so good
SARAH: And also, look, the fact that the girl who like put him as her ‘hear me out’ referred to him as Papa Tran, Tran being the last name and I was like, mm-hmm
KAYLA: Oh, no. Oh, no.
SARAH: And then I went and I watched the original and she was like 5'3" icon Papa Tran
KAYLA: Oh my God
SARAH: Dogs out in his flip-flops.
KAYLA: I can't… I would not know, I would just… I just wouldn't know
SARAH: We have one where this man said the number eight?
KAYLA: Is it… because it's like curvy?
SARAH: I guess, it seems pretty straight to me because he's a man
KAYLA: I mean like if you're gonna pick a number, like it's a pretty good one to pick
SARAH: I mean, hold on, this… I'm looking at some of this guy's other hear me outs. It's fucking, Nala from the Lion King, the number eight…
KAYLA: Not a hear me out, that's obvious
SARAH: J Law in the movie where she's X-men Blue, this man clearly just likes blues, this man likes curvy things, that's why the number eight
KAYLA: Yeah, well the number eight also has holes
KAYLA: Just saying
SARAH: Then we have… oh, this person put all of the Chipmunks from the… the Chipmunks who are brothers, what are they called? Simon, Alvin, and Theodore?
KAYLA: Yeah, like the Disney ones?
KAYLA: Or Alvin and the Chipmunks?
SARAH: Alvin and the Chipmunks
KAYLA: Okay, so not like the little Disney ones?
KAYLA: Like not Chip and Dale?
SARAH: No, Alvin and the Chipmunks, all of Alvin and the Chipmunks. Wow, this…
KAYLA: All of them?
SARAH: This person has a lot of rodents, hold on. We've got the Fox from Zootopia
KAYLA: I’m telling you it’s the rat man
SARAH: We've got at least two of the chipmunks from Alvin the Chipmunks, we have Rocket Raccoon
KAYLA: Eww, no. What has this person gone through to explain this rodent situation?
SARAH: I don't know man.
KAYLA: I don't know about Alvin and the Chipmunks because I'm like pretty sure they're canonically like teenagers or children and they look like that, they look like little babies, I don't know if we can do that one
SARAH: Yeah. I've seen a couple people do, what's that… Um, what's that man from that children's show who does very difficult exercise?
KAYLA: Oh, from… it's like something town, Sleepy Town? The guy from Sleepy Town?
KAYLA: Does he have like a big weird mustache?
SARAH: I've seen him on people's ‘hear me outs.’
KAYLA: Yeah, it makes sense. He's very strong and whatnot
SARAH: Bill Nye, the science guy. It is also interesting seeing them...
KAYLA: No, that's my dad
SARAH: It is interesting seeing them where it's like mostly men, it's like men the whole time and then at the end there's like a couple of women and it's like, “we are all queer deep down.” It’s so true.
KAYLA: Yeah, it is interesting too because all of the hear me out cake videos I've seen it's women doing it, I've not seen any of men doing it, which I think is similar to our discussion about medium ugly where like men aren't really allowed to say things like that.
SARAH: Yeah. The only men I've seen doing it are doing it with women
KAYLA: I'll allow that, men can only speak when given permission by the woman in charge
SARAH: Exactly. I'm trying to find the one that I sent you many many months ago
KAYLA: I’m trying to think if I have any hear me outs. Oh, I know one that's popular, I've not seen it on any cakes, I don't think, but I know I've heard it in Discords, is the horse from Spirit the Stallion of the Cimarron
SARAH: Oh, yeah, that's…
KAYLA: Do you know this horse? Yeah
SARAH: Yes, that's a situation where it's like that's a conventionally attractive horse
KAYLA: Well, I feel the same way about the Fox from Zootopia, it is like they made that… they made the horse and the Fox hot on purpose, like they knew what they were doing
KAYLA: So, like it’s really… it's not a ‘hear me out’ anymore. The only thing ‘hear me out’ about it is the fact that it's an animated animal.
SARAH: Yeah. Honestly, this first hear me out cake that I found that I sent you is pretty tame in comparison to…
KAYLA: What you're seeing these days?
SARAH: Yeah, what I'm seeing these days
KAYLA: I mean, I think they've only gotten wild
SARAH: Oh, yeah
KAYLA: As more people have done it
SARAH: This one is just the concept of Vine
KAYLA: Hmm. I don't think that's good, that's not… I think that's against the rules, like I don't think you're doing it right, if you said like…
SARAH: I think we're…
KAYLA: The vine logo.
SARAH: I think we're too aspec to understand the true essence of a hear me out cake of the really extreme ones
KAYLA: I disagree. I disagree because hear me out cake is like, a big part of it is how something looks. Like it's like, oh, yeah, you might think this is ugly, but I think it's hot. You can't do the concept of vine, that's not… you can't be sexually attracted to the concept of an application, but like how the logo was
SARAH: But I can see how people would… you know?
KAYLA: No, I don't know, I don’t like that
KAYLA: I think it's against the rules.
SARAH: Another one on this hear me out cake is Jerry Trainor as Spencer Shay in iCarly
SARAH: Okay, you're not gonna hear that one out?
KAYLA: I disagree.
KAYLA: Well, that I would need to hear it out
KAYLA: So, I get it, that is a valid one.
KAYLA: Because I would need to hear some words about that
SARAH: They also have that guy from Emperor's New Groove the one with the really big shoulders and neck and a small head, Kuzco's poison, the poison for Kuzco
KAYLA: Oh, Kuzco?
SARAH: No, not Kuzco, the other guy
KAYLA: Like the main guy? Pacha? Pasha?
SARAH: Is he the main guy?
KAYLA: Like the dad?
SARAH: I haven't seen The Emperor's New Groove in a long time, hold on
KAYLA: The men are…
SARAH: Yeah, Pasha
KAYLA: Servant guy
SARAH: Pacha
KAYLA: Okay, the main guy, uh, yeah, I don't need to hear anything about that one, that one I can see on my own
SARAH: Eartha Kitt was the voice of Yzma?
KAYLA: Who's that?
SARAH: Who's Yzma? Or who's Eartha Kitt?
KAYLA: The person that… yeah, do I know who that is?
SARAH: Jump off a cliff.
KAYLA: Um, rude
SARAH: Okay, I'm so sorry, I clicked on her IMDB and the first line of her bio, an out of wedlock child
KAYLA: What?
SARAH: Eartha Kitt was born in the cotton fields of South Carolina
SARAH: Kitt's mother was a sharecropper of African American and Cherokee Native American descent, her father's identity is unknown, given away by her mother, she arrived in Harlem at age nine, at 15 she quit high school to work in a Brooklyn factory, as a teenager Kitt lived in friends’ homes and in the subway
KAYLA: How old is she now?
SARAH: I think she's dead. Yeah, she died in 2008.
KAYLA: Okay, I was gonna say there's no way she's still alive with that history.
KAYLA: Um, wow, what a wild intro.
SARAH: Truly. Um, oh she's the fucking singer of Santa baby
KAYLA: Oh, interesting, okay. I would love to hear Yzma singing Santa baby, I would love that.
SARAH: I was like, I know she has famous songs, but I couldn't think of it. It's fucking Santa baby. Anyway, hmm. Sorry. I got really distracted by Eartha Kitt. Um, let's see. What else do we have? Would you… what would be on your… do you have ‘hear me outs’ for your ‘hear me out’ gig?
KAYLA: I don't know, I was trying to think but I think I would need like an extended period of time to like…
SARAH: To think about it?
KAYLA: Really think about it, because I think I'd have to like think of like movies for my childhood or whatever, the one that that did come to my mind is the fish from Finding Nemo with like the skull...
SARAH: Oh, yeah that I've already seen that on a cake in the time I…
KAYLA: Yeah, I don't think… I don't think that's a ‘hear me out,’ I think that's like too conventional, I don't think that's like wild enough.
SARAH: Mm, I think that counts as a ‘hear me out’ because it's not even human
KAYLA: Yeah, neither is the Fox from Zootopia but everybody loves that guy
SARAH: Yeah, but that's… but the Fox from Zootopia is kind of humanoid, like he walks like a human
KAYLA: I see
SARAH: You know?
KAYLA: I guess but Nala doesn't walk like a human.
SARAH: No, but Nala is hot.
KAYLA: Okay. So is the fish
SARAH: Yeah, but I'm… okay, whatever. This one is um, Salt and Pepper from Blue's Clues.
SARAH: They're adults
KAYLA: Because they're just… yeah, but like, what's hot about them? They just look like a salt and pepper. Hello?
SARAH: They're salt and pepper, they have a loving marriage
SARAH: They have children and cinnamon and paprika
KAYLA: Yeah, I'm well aware of the…
SARAH: A loving family.
KAYLA: I'm gonna need to hear explanation on that one
SARAH: Alright, another one, John Doe from Roblox?
KAYLA: I don't know who that is.
SARAH: It's the… Okay, so, you know how Roblox look like?
KAYLA: Yeah, is it just like the standard…
SARAH: It's just the one with like two eyes and a smiley face
KAYLA: Yeah, I don’t know about that one either, I’m…
SARAH: Yeah, the people with this person doing this cake also weren't sure about that one.
KAYLA: Okay, that's good to know
SARAH: We have Handy Manny the screwdriver.
KAYLA: I think I can picture that
SARAH: Yeah, it's an animated screwdriver. I'm trying to remember where Handy Manny is from.
KAYLA: You know what is one I’ve not seen on a cake?
SARAH: Oh, it's from Handy Man.
KAYLA: Oh, well, naturally. You know what I haven't seen on a cake?
SARAH: Sorry. What? I really got distracted and then I was trying to find things and I kept getting distracted, I was like you see from Bob the Builder, no, he's from Handy Man. What?
KAYLA: Something I have not seen on a cake.
KAYLA: But I think would be a good one is Clippy
SARAH: I did see Clippy on a cake
KAYLA: Remember Clippy?
SARAH: Yes. I have seen Clippy on a cake. Clippy is the little… is the paper clip that used to pop up on Microsoft Word, on Microsoft programs to help you
KAYLA: Yes, to help you. RIP Clippy, lost but not forgotten
SARAH: This one is the hand from the Adams family
KAYLA: No, stop it, stop that right now. Wait, I just thought of one that might be online
SARAH: What?
KAYLA: I have to look it up though, I want to make sure I'm thinking of the right thing
SARAH: Would that guy from Rudolph be on yours?
SARAH: What’s his name?
KAYLA: Yukon Cornelius
SARAH: Yeah, Yukon Cornelius
KAYLA: Yukon Cornelius, I don't think that's a ‘hear me out’ though. Like I think that's a very natural thing to think
KAYLA: Um, the… okay, Ditto Dragontails.
SARAH: Yeah, of course, I do, Dragontails, Dragontails…
KAYLA: Okay, you know the dragon that's like… it's… The two and they're like… but they're connected?
KAYLA: It's like one body and two heads
KAYLA: I think the green one. Honestly, also the purple one
SARAH: Specifically, the green… okay, I'm sorry, I'm looking at them and if you were to choose between the two of them you would go for the green one?
KAYLA: I would go for both of them, but for some reason the green one is what came to mind.
SARAH: That's a choice
KAYLA: Well, there you go, it’s… you know, hear me out, you know
SARAH: Between the two I would definitely say the purple one
KAYLA: There's something weird, I think because they gave her eyelashes, her eyes… like look at this picture specifically
KAYLA: They make her eyes look crazy.
SARAH: I see
KAYLA: They did her dirty
SARAH: I just think he looks too much like a rat man
KAYLA: And that's the thing, isn't it? And that's the thing, isn't it?
SARAH: Oh, incredible. Dragontails was only on for three seasons? The original.
KAYLA: So far that is a tragedy. So, on my hear me out cake so far is the fish from… the scar fish from Finding Nemo.
SARAH: Mm-hmm
KAYLA: Clippy and the green Dragontails, Dragon
SARAH: Yes. I'll give you Yukon Cornelius as like the intro one, you know
KAYLA: Okay, yeah
SARAH: You got to start somewhat normal and get unhinged
KAYLA: Okay, yeah
SARAH: Um, this person's ‘hear me out’ is one of the extras from Spongebob.
SARAH: It's just like one of those random fish that walk around.
KAYLA: Okay. Sure.
SARAH: Yep, concept of vine
KAYLA: I don’t get it
SARAH: And the number eight, okay, we already done the top two on that compilation. YouTube’s the organic chemistry tutor
KAYLA: Okay. I don't know who that is, for sure
SARAH: I'm not super familiar, but it is just a guy who teaches you organic chemistry
KAYLA: Sure. Great. And it's a hard subject I've heard
SARAH: Yeah. Yeah. I sure didn't take it. Um…
SARAH: Kermit the Frog
KAYLA: Um, I could see that
SARAH: The Grinch from the live-action Grinch movie.
KAYLA: I mean, I could also see that because they like did specifically make him like a romantic… like he has a romantic interest, you know
SARAH: I mean, what's her face… All I can think of, you know, what's her face from Greece the Mamma Mia movie, not from Greece, from the country of Greece. No, no the Mamma Mia, Christine Baranski.
KAYLA: Okay. She's also in Eloise
SARAH: Oh, well, but her whole thing is that she wants to fuck the Grinch so bad, it's so sexual.
KAYLA: I know, that’s what I’m saying. Like they kind of like made him hot by having her be so into him, you know?
KAYLA: You are kind of forced to be like, yeah, I guess
SARAH: Right, Megamind
SARAH: Not willing to hear it out.
KAYLA: I mean, I'll hear it, but I can't promise anything
SARAH: Simon Cowell
KAYLA: Yeah, I mean I get that a little bit because especially early in American Idol they really were like…
SARAH: He has got a symmetrical face
KAYLA: And he always had his chest hair out
KAYLA: Do you remember that in early American Idol? They like made such a big deal about his chest hair
SARAH: Yeah, if you're into bears
KAYLA: I actually have a vivid memory, like I don't have a lot of very vivid memories from my childhood because of like mental illness or whatever?
KAYLA: But I have a vivid memory of there was an episode of American Idol where they're like, they did a little like scene or whatever at the top of the show before they really got into the show and it was like Simon Cowell coming into Paula Abdul's dressing room and like romancing her, because there was always the joke with them about like will they, won't they, you know?
SARAH: Mm-hmm
KAYLA: And it was like this whole big thing and that was very formative for me as a child.
SARAH: Oh, okay, wow
KAYLA: I was like, I guess this is it
SARAH: Wow, that's a delight. Um…
SARAH: This is the first thing this person has put on the hear me out cake, Fidel Castro
KAYLA: I can only imagine where they go from there
SARAH: Hold on, I gotta look up what he looks like though.
KAYLA: Like at what age?
SARAH: He looks to be somewhat young in this photo
KAYLA: Eww, I just saw him old, he's scary, no
SARAH: He's also Fidel Castro. So, you have to work that into it.
KAYLA: Yeah, I don't like how he's looking young or old, and he's also Fidel Castro, so
SARAH: She said specifically this picture, but I don't… I’m not willing to go through the effort to find that picture.
KAYLA: That's fair
SARAH: Um, Ginger from Chicken Run
KAYLA: Which one is that?
SARAH: I don't know, one of the chickens from Chicken Run
KAYLA: I'm gonna go with no, like the animations... Is this a… no, wait, I'm thinking of like Wallace and Gromit, it's not the same animation style as Wallace and Gromit, is it?
SARAH: It kind of is.
KAYLA: Okay, then, no. Animation style kind of scares me if I'm honest, it kind of freaks me out for some reason, I think it's the mouths.
KAYLA: It’s so wide and smooth.
SARAH: Yeah, they are quite wide mouths
KAYLA: And so smooth
SARAH: Some of these are quite wild-looking, but I don't know them so I can't give a proper reaction. I don't really know this one, but this is Kamaji from Spirited Away, it appears to be a spider with many hands
KAYLA: I've heard of the movie, I’ve never seen it
SARAH: And this person says, I guess since we all have a competence kink, um…
KAYLA: Huh? Eww, scary
SARAH: We should just look it up
KAYLA: No, yeah, I don't like it, eww.
KAYLA: You know what he reminds me of? Is the villain from Sonic, what's his name?
SARAH: I don't fucking know
KAYLA: It’s like Dr. Egg, something egg, but he's similarly like bald with big mustache and glasses, which I could see people putting that on a cake.
SARAH: I just saw a really good one. I need to hear what they say though to describe this
KAYLA: Dr. Eggman, in case anyone is looking, he looks just like… they're so similar, that's crazy
SARAH: So, this one is… you know, the meme from Grand Theft Auto where it's like, “oh shit, here we go again”
KAYLA: Mm-hmm
SARAH: That.
KAYLA: That guy?
SARAH: Not that guy, that meme.
KAYLA: Oh. No, stop. You can't keep doing this, I'm getting angry now.
SARAH: I think it's great when people do that. I love it.
KAYLA: I just really need to hear it out, I guess. Okay, this is not on my hear me out cake, but something I would not be surprised to see is Dr. Robotnik from the live-action Sonic movies
SARAH: I got to look this up
KAYLA: Not for me, but I know that people want him, I know they want him
SARAH: Yeah, it's reminding me of the Sleepy Town Exercise Man
KAYLA: Kind of yeah, it's the… a twirly mustache, yeah
SARAH: Is that Sleepy Town? What is it called?
KAYLA: I think it is… It's something town for sure.
SARAH: It's not Sleepy Town, I've looked up Sleepy Town and that's not right
KAYLA: Oh, Lazy Town, see?
SARAH: Lazy Town
KAYLA: Lazy Town. Okay. I was so close.
SARAH: It's Icelandic?
KAYLA: It’s Icelandic? Of course, it is actually now that I think about it. Actually, of course it is, my bad
SARAH: Wow, okay. I like how we both have… we said that exact same shit at the exact same time. The Bee from the Bee movie?
KAYLA: I mean that lady does fall in love with the bee, you know
SARAH: He must have some unmatched rizz
KAYLA: Yeah, he likes jazz
SARAH: You like jazz? Dr. Phil?
SARAH: Big no on that one. I also know someone who… I was gonna say has a personal relationship with Dr. Phil but that sounds weird. Um, I know someone who used to work for Dr. Phil and so I have I have heard this person's stories about Dr. Phil and I'm just like…
SARAH: It's not like those stories make me like actually redeemable. I'm just like, yeah, you know?
KAYLA: I mean, he seems like he's probably not a good person, it's just the vibe I get
SARAH: He got that fucking mustache, that fucking Steve Harvey mustache.
KAYLA: It really is, they really look very similar
KAYLA: I'm not aghast. I like… I get it, I think
KAYLA: I bet the GEICO Caveman has been on some people's cakes. Again, not on my cake, but I know he's on someone's. Oh, you know what?
KAYLA: Is on my cake
KAYLA: I don't think this is like super crazy though is the All State guy, who's like… he's all the accidents and the disaster.
SARAH: Oh, yeah
KAYLA: He's like, I'm your drunk neighbor and I just drove through your wall
SARAH: Oh, what's he fucking called? Um…
KAYLA: I know he has a name
SARAH: Mayhem
KAYLA: Mayhem, yeah
KAYLA: I like him I think
SARAH: The Jack in the Box mascot?
KAYLA: No. No, that's just like a white ball with eyes on it
SARAH: The Asparagus from the Christian show about vegetables.
KAYLA: VeggieTales?
SARAH: Yes, VeggieTales
KAYLA: VeggieTales, Christian show about VeggieTales. The Asparagus, okay, I think I'm picturing it but I need to look at it, the dad or the child? It gotta be…
SARAH: I think it's an adult.
KAYLA: Is there… does he have a monocle on?
SARAH: Oh, that's a good question, I have to go back to it, I just left it behind and now I don't remember which one it was… Mike Wazowski
KAYLA: Okay, honestly though both parent Asparaguses, I can see that, the adult Asparaguses I can see it
SARAH: I lost the post, it's gone, I'll never find it again
KAYLA: Okay. Well, I'll allow for the adult Asparaguses
SARAH: I've seen quite a few of the cars from Cars, I've seen Sally, I've seen…
KAYLA: Yeah, obviously
SARAH: The guy, not the sheriff but the other older guy, the blue one, the light blue one
KAYLA: Yes. No. Yes. Yes, I don’t know
SARAH: The Among Us guy
KAYLA: No, um, I think Madam Blueberry from VeggieTales is good
SARAH: Madam Blueberry
KAYLA: I like her vibe
SARAH: Oh, she's kind of slaying, she's giving country supreme
KAYLA: That's what I'm saying, like…
KAYLA: Yeah, I kind of like her
SARAH: Okay, Flynn Rider that doesn't… no, Flynn Rider is not fucking good
KAYLA: That’s stupid, that is not a ‘hear me out,’ that sucks
SARAH: I could absolutely see people saying Shrek, like Ogre Shrek, it hasn't come up but I could see it
KAYLA: Yeah, I can see that. You know what else I can see speaking of Flynn Rider? Is the horse from Tangled
SARAH: Uh-huh
KAYLA: But Shrek like… again, because they made him a romantic lead
KAYLA: I think it just puts it in your mind that, like it's just much more understandable to me
SARAH: Yeah. I've seen several of like the M&Ms, like the M&M characters
KAYLA: They do… that makes sense to me also because they specifically made at least the green one sexy
KAYLA: And the brown one
SARAH: I've seen the green one, I've also the red one for some reason
KAYLA: I thought people would be more into the yellow one
SARAH: I don't know, I don’t know them that well
KAYLA: The yellow one is like the long one
SARAH: The guy from the Lorax with the big mustache
KAYLA: The Lorax himself? What do you mean?
SARAH: Yeah, the Lorax
KAYLA: Like that orange dude?
SARAH: I've never seen the fucking movie and it's been 500 years since I read the book as a child
KAYLA: Okay, but you saw a little orange man, and you didn't think… you were like, “oh, that's just one of the characters”
SARAH: It's the guy from the Lorax with the mustache
KAYLA: Yeah, it's just like you know one of the side characters certainly the orange man with the large mustache couldn't be the Lorax
SARAH: No. Okay, I was… This person did a digital one, but I thought that the first one, I thought their cake was a ‘hear me out,’ and I was like, “a piece of cheesecake?”
KAYLA: Oh. I mean, I don't like cheesecakes, that's a ‘hear me out’ to me
SARAH: Yeah, I don't like cheesecake either. One of the Minions?
SARAH: The dad from Bluey?
KAYLA: Yeah, I could see that
SARAH: We have another green M&M. Oh, Steve from Blue's Clues?
KAYLA: I almost said that earlier because I think that's true, I don't think that's a hear me out, I think we all agree he's a cute little guy
SARAH: We got a Lightning McQueen we're getting more Cars characters. Um, Mr. Bean?
SARAH: Lin-manuel Miranda, but specifically that picture of him biting his lip
KAYLA: Okay, that is a ‘hear me out,’ that's good.
SARAH: I believe that's Gromit from Wallace and Gromit
KAYLA: Again, it scares me, the smoothness of them
SARAH: I've seen a couple that are road signs
KAYLA: What?
SARAH: I don't know.
KAYLA: What?
SARAH: I don't know
KAYLA: Like the yield sign?
SARAH: Yeah. This one is the Sun made girl. You know the raisins? The Raisin brand?
KAYLA: Okay, I can see… yeah, I can see that
SARAH: This person… this man also put the… oh, oh, the laughing cow.
KAYLA: Oh. Okay, interesting
SARAH: Also, the Sydney Opera House
KAYLA: No. Okay, you know what I think could be a good one? Is Finn the goldfish like the goldfish mascot
SARAH: I'm surprised... Yeah, that could be. I'm surprised I haven't seen any Animal Crossing characters
KAYLA: That's a good point
SARAH: Like blathers, no one has blathers?
KAYLA: Yeah, that is weird.
SARAH: Ugh, my phone updated and now the picture… the photos are weird. How do I work you? How do I work you? Okay. Okay, wait.
KAYLA: Oh, no I’m scared
SARAH: I was gonna say my most comparable thing to this is not a ‘hear me out,’ but it's just the weirdest things in my… I have a gender folder in my phone
KAYLA: Okay, great
SARAH: And I wanted to know the weirdest… most of them are not weird, but I do have this raccoon in a shirt.
KAYLA: Oh, that's… yeah
SARAH: It's giving a little bit rocket raccoon, raccoon because it's a raccoon with like clothes on but like…
SARAH: You know?
KAYLA: It's looking very dapper.
SARAH: It's a button-up, like a gingham not gingham, it's gingham but when it's square and it's yellow and it's just a very… it's a… it’s a… It looks like a…
KAYLA: It looks like a…
SARAH: A young raccoon
KAYLA: A nice collared shirt.
SARAH: Mm-hmm
SARAH: Just looking very nicely at the camera and it's also a very good reaction image and I use it frequently
KAYLA: Yeah, I've seen you use it a lot.
SARAH: I think that's the only like really weird thing in here. This is not supposed to be in here, I believe this was put in here on accident, but it is an egg wearing sunglasses on a small couch\
KAYLA: You don't think that's gender?
SARAH: No, I don't think so. I'll leave it in here for fun though.
SARAH: The egg has a name, I can't remember what the egg’s name is. It was from a… it was from a 17 VCR from their fucking caratland this year, don't worry about it.
SARAH: Yeah, everything else is like kind of normal
KAYLA: You know who I think… what is… would be on my cake?
SARAH: What about just a hand?
KAYLA: Okay. You know who'd be on my cake is the Wii Fitness instructor
SARAH: I'm trying to remember, Wii the Fitness, Wii Fitness instructor, I was expecting it to be a me
SARAH: I would have liked it better if it was a me
KAYLA: I mean, I could probably find some like of the… that are good
SARAH: Like one of those like baseball guys? You know
SARAH: One of the baseball, it just dumps the circles
KAYLA: Yeah, there's one bald man… one bald me specifically I'm thinking
SARAH: Great. When you were a child, did you try to make the ugliest mes you could?
KAYLA: Yeah, obviously
SARAH: It's important. Oh, the dragon from Shrek. Yeah, that's a conventionally attractive dragon.
KAYLA: Yeah, that is a very… yeah, it's a conventionally attractive dragon, we all know
SARAH: Voldemort but like Voldemort without a nose, not like Tom Riddle like Voldemort
KAYLA: No. Yeah, no
SARAH: The annoying old guy with a major overbite and no hair from The Simpsons
SARAH: I don't remember his name
SARAH: I don't know
SARAH: Kirby
KAYLA: Kirby like the pink thing?
SARAH: Uh-huh
KAYLA: Okay. You know what I think would be… Yes?
SARAH: Okay, okay, okay, you know the movie robots?
KAYLA: I don't know
SARAH: Fuck, okay. The movie it’s called Robots, it came out when we were kids
KAYLA: Okay. Yes, I do know this
SARAH: It came out in 2005. There's a character and robots who is an old woman who has a giant… her name's Aunt Fanny, her name is Aunt Fanny and she has a giant ass such that she can store things in her ass because she’s a robot
KAYLA: Oh, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm
SARAH: Um, and this person has said that their ‘hear me out’ is Aunt Fanny. I think Aunt Fanny is her name.
KAYLA: It is, I just looked her up, she looks wild
SARAH: She's voiced by Jennifer Coolidge?
KAYLA: I love that.
SARAH: Oh my God, I'm looking at the fucking cast of this, Ewan McGregor, Halle Berry, Mel Brooks, Robin Williams
SARAH: Paula Abdul, Terry Bradshaw, Drew Carey, Amanda Bynes, Jennifer Coolidge, Paul Giamatti
KAYLA: I have a couple… I have some more… I have some more potentials, I don't know that these would go on my cake, but I think they would be good for a cake
SARAH: I can see the Shark from Shark Tale
KAYLA: That is not… yeah, that's too conventional. Well, the shark…
SARAH: Oh, it's the shark
KAYLA: Which shark? Like the evil one?
SARAH: Like the big one, the one that's on, I'm looking right now at the poster
KAYLA: Okay, I was gonna say like the main characters from that movie are like obviously hot
SARAH: Mm, okay, I'm sorry
KAYLA: Okay, my potential cake additions are Herbie the car…
SARAH: Oh fuck, yeah
KAYLA: And the robot from Meet the Robinsons
SARAH: Mm, yeah. These last ones are getting really specific to people our age
KAYLA: Yes, for sure
SARAH: Um, I think also… see, I'm just looking at like related movies and it… Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon but Toothless is like a child, he starts out as a child. He's like a teenager
KAYLA: Yeah, that’s weird, that’s weird
SARAH: And he also has his girl in How to Train Your Dragon too, and they're very cute, they make a cute couple, so.
KAYLA: Oh, I was also gonna say Eva from Wall-E
SARAH: Oh, yeah, that's a conventionally attractive robot
KAYLA: I know, I know this
SARAH: All right, do we have anything we want to end on?
KAYLA: I think it just has to be over
SARAH: Yeah, it's just… it's done. So, what is our poll for this week? Are the allos okay?
KAYLA: I mean, I think it has to be, “who would be on your ‘hear me out’ cake?”
SARAH: Okay. Yes. I think we should have three pools
KAYLA: Three?
SARAH: I think the first poll is we should give them options that we went over today and have them vote on what is the most absurd like that you cannot hear out
SARAH: Second, open-ended, “what are your ‘hear me outs’?”
SARAH: Third, are the allos okay?
KAYLA: Okay. All right
SARAH: So, what do we want to give as the choices for the first one?
KAYLA: Um, okay…
SARAH: I just closed everything; it's gone.
KAYLA: I’m trying to think of the ones I was most upset about Megamind, I don't like Megamind
SARAH: Okay. The concept of vine
KAYLA: Yeah, I don't like that, that makes no sense
SARAH: The number eight
KAYLA: That one I understand though
SARAH: So, the number eight is fuckable but not the concept of vine?
KAYLA: I’ll tell you, because the number eight is a visual thing, if you told me, it's the logo of vine, I would be like, “I don't get it, but okay”
SARAH: I mean that was what the person used to visually depict it with the logo
KAYLA: Yeah, but it's… I can't get behind just the concept, I'm sorry
SARAH: Um, do you think anyone would say the TARDIS?
KAYLA: Yeah, probably, probably
SARAH: It’s bigger on the inside
KAYLA: It sounds like something someone would say
SARAH: I'm thinking… I keep thinking of ones that are like too normal, please hold
KAYLA: Your friend's dad
SARAH: Yeah, I would… see, I was gonna say that but I don't… it's too subjective, because it's like, what do your friends’ dads look like.
SARAH: You know?
KAYLA: Maybe your friend has a really hot dad.
SARAH: Ooh. The Kool-Aid Man, that's a new one, that’s…
KAYLA: Yeah, I can see that
SARAH: Donkey from Shrek now, I'm just saying a bunch of new ones. The Duolingo owl
KAYLA: I mean, he does have his ass out
SARAH: This is a WLW version, one of them is… Oh, Time from Loki?
KAYLA: I haven't seen her
SARAH: I believe it's Time from Loki. Hold on. Let me just check
KAYLA: We were supposed to be done
SARAH: Miss minutes, I believe is her name
KAYLA: I wanna go to bed
SARAH: Miss minutes from Loki. I'm sorry, we need to come up with a fourth…
KAYLA: Oh, Aunt Fanny
SARAH: Okay. Sure, Aunt Fanny. I mean, that one is not that crazy, but okay
KAYLA: She looks kind of wild
SARAH: She looks like a snail but the shell is her butt, it's just her whole ass
KAYLA: Scary a little bit.
SARAH: Um. Kayla, what is your beef and your juice for this week?
KAYLA: My beef is midterm, why do I gotta take a test like that?
SARAH: Why are you in school?
KAYLA: I don't know, every time I complain about this class, Dean is like, “well, you were the one that wanted to start taking classes” and I'm like, “well, listen…”
SARAH: Do you have to pay for it?
KAYLA: It's only $40 because I'm an employee.
SARAH: Yeah, so you basically don't pay for it
KAYLA: Like the class is usually like three to four thousand dollars.
KAYLA: So, yeah. But I just… don't make me do a test, just, you know?
KAYLA: And my juice is I found some Utz brand fried pickle flavored potato chips and it's crazy because I've had like pickle-flavored potato chips for like dill, but these were specifically fried pickle…
SARAH: Fried pickle
KAYLA: And they really… I don't know what they do, but it really does taste specifically like a fried pickle
SARAH: Interesting
KAYLA: You know?
SARAH: My… it's not even a beef, a juice, I'm… or is it a… it's a fact
SARAH: I'm going home an extra time in November because my boss said that if I went home to Kansas ahead of the election he would pay for my flight
KAYLA: So funny
SARAH: So, I'm going. That's all. Oh, I think I talked about… did I talk about this last week, so I was talking about my miles
KAYLA: I think you were just telling me about it. Well, maybe you did
SARAH: All right, I don’t know
KAYLA: I don’t know
SARAH: Hold on, let me come up with something that's actually a beef or a juice my… did I write anything down? I don't know. Thanks. You can tell us about your beef and your juice on our social media @soundsfakepod. We also have a Patreon, patreon.com/soundsfakepod if you want to support us there. Our $5 patrons who we are promoting this week are Jiro the Wolf, Cassandra M., Chris Lauretano, Cinnamon Toast Punch and Colleen Walsh. I want some cinnamon toast crunch, I have Kicks though, that's what I have. Our $10 patrons who are promoting something this week are Arcnes who would like to promote Trevor Project, Benjamin Ybarra who would like to promote Tabletop games, Bones who would like to promote Bones, Celina Dobson who would like to promote The Critical Role Foundation and Clare Olsen who would like to promote Impact_Frame. Our other $10 patrons are Derick & Carissa, Elle Bitter, my aunt Jeannie, Kayla’s dad, Maff, Martin Chiesl, Olivia O’Shea, Parker, Phoenix Leodinh, Purple Hayes, Barefoot Backpacker, SongOStorm, Val, Alastor, and Alyson. Our $15 patrons are Ace who would like to promote the writer Crystal Scherer, Andrew Hillum who would like to promote The Invisible Spectrum Podcast, Hector Murillo who would like to promote friends that are supportive, constructive, and help you grow as a better person, Nathaniel White who would like to promote NathanielJWhiteDesigns.com, Kayla’s Aunt Nina who would like to promote katemaggartart.com, and Schnell who would like to promote accepting that everyone is different and that's awesome. Our $20 patrons are Dragonfly, Dr. Jacki, and my mom, and River who would like to promote Dr. Jacki being Dr. Jacki and also, uh, having a nap. Thanks for listening, tune in next Sunday for more of us in your ears
KAYLA: And until then, take good care of your cows
SARAH: Let them nap